💕"Who's That Girl? (original version)💕

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Xia rolled her eyes. She hated pet names, or so she claimed, as much as they made her smile. "Nope."

"Honey bunch."

They both made a disgusted face. It sounded like something her grandma would call her. "Gross."

"Babycakes?" It could be worse.

Xia rolled her eyes and propped her head on Phae's shoulder. "...I'll allow it."

Phae squeezed her around the middle. It was still hot as hell and sweltering in this stadium, but she could put up with it for Xia, if Xia could put up with the sweat. "Cutie," she murmured.

"That one, I like."

"Uh huh, I remember." They shared a twinkly smile and were about to share another kiss when a voice shouted up the stands from the court below. 

 "Phae! We gotta do handshakes. Hands off the girl till you do your job!" Mickey playing the team PA system, same as always.

"Get your head in the game, Barlowe!" Tré giving her shit as usual. I need quieter friends.

"It's like somebody's calling my name, but I don't know who."

"I don't hear anything." Xia went up on tiptoes to look over her shoulder. Her lips quirked in a half-smile. "You'd better go before they dump the cooler on your head."

"Can I get a kiss before I go?"

"You just got one!"

"They're like chips, you can't have just one."

"Way too many bad jokes, babe."

"I thought you hated babe."

"I get to call you babe." She stood up on her toes to give Phaedra another kiss. She looped her arms around Phaedra's sticky neck and pressed their lips together. Phae's heart beat fast. Her lips tingled. Xia tasted like a blueberry smoothie and smelled like black coffee. Phae could kiss her for hours.

Something hard and rounded bounced of the back of Phaedra's skull and broke their kiss. Xia covered her mouth, looking back and forth between Phae and whatever was happening on the court.

"Did they just?" she asked, because she needed to know had badly to maim her best friends in a minute.

Xia squeaked, the apples of her cheeks twitching as she tried not to laugh. "Oh my god."

"Be right back, I have to kill someone."

Xia shouted after her, "Don't get arrested, we have a date!"


Phaedra didn't kill anyone, tempted though she was. Tré threatened to put her in a headlock and let Hunter tickle her until she peed on herself; that was enough of a threat to deter her. There was captain's business to conduct anyway. They had to post-game it before they broke down the court and headed out into the afternoon to celebrate.

Under the watchful eye of the game officials and the referee, Phae got her girls in line. "All right, Wild Girls. Time to play nice."

The Wild Girls and the Thunderbirds passed each other in glum, overheated lines, slapping hands and bumping fists like they were the good sports the game demanded and not athletes determined to hold a grudge till someone died. Calisto Day, libero for Gear City High, was salty as hell and not afraid to be heard mumbling about how dirty players played dirty.

It wasn't the first time the Wild Girls had been accused of cheating and if they had a few more seasons to go a few rounds, it wouldn't be the last, but this was their last season and Phae wasn't having it. Not with scouts out in the crowd with their ears to the ground.

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