The Problem

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We went inside to a beautiful decorated hallway. The decor had Lemon-yellow colored walls, with white marble Greek columns. We then found out that the party was being held in the basement. We went down stairs to a beautiful ballroom with black and white wallpaper. In the center of the ballroom was a huge chandelier. It was held up by a thick layer of rope. The rope was tied to a handle next to the door we came through earlier. We was led to another room for eating with a bunch of tables and a stage in front, all the tables had centerpieces of lady justice, it was the diner-room. The entire decor was too old so there was no cameras except by the entrance. The ballroom was also packed and in the distance I could see Mr. Anderson. On the other side of the ballroom was Mr. Lucious, Skylar, and her boyfriend Francis.
I walked up to Francis and Skylar first, "Were there any autopsies today dealing with The Grey Killer?"
Skylar looked up wondering, she looked back down, "Only one today, and another one of our classmates."
My expression quickly changed into a worried one, "Which one of our classmates was it?"
"Gabriel, he was studying Mechanics, they found a dried up gray shoelace tied around his arm."
"What condition was he in?"
"He was found suffocated in his family's auto shop."
"In what way was the shoelace tied, maybe we can see if anyone in the class is good with knots."
"It was tied in your regular shoe-tying shoelace knot that you see everywhere."
My eyes wondered and I noticed a scar on Skylar's arm. "Skylar where did you get that?". She looked at me confused, so I asked again, "That wasn't there before, where did that come from?"
"Someone attacked me the other day when I left the hospital, don't say anything, there's been rumors that I've been self-harming, and I don't want them to spread around Headquarters."
"Was it The Grey Killer?"
       "They were wearing a gray hoodie and black mask that covered most of their face, I couldn't see his hair except that it was brown since they had a hood on."
       "Funny, Robin said she saw the same person when she witnessed Sean and his girlfriend get attacked."
"I got to go talk to Mr. Anderson about something important, we need to talk later and settle all of this, it might be something important or needed."
"Ok, just stay safe." Skylar changed her expression into an exiting look and walked over the Francis. They walked off around the center of the ballroom and they both started to dance together."
I started to walk over to Mr. Anderson who was on his phone. He seemed to be on a website, it asked for his mother's maiden name. While I was walking I saw him type Floros into the keyboard. I didn't know that Mr. Anderson was of Greek descent. I eventually got to him and struck up the conversation.
   "Mr. Anderson, how was your out of country vacation?"
   He turned around with his hands behind his back. "Hello Mr. Armati, how was your week, my vacation was rather good and relaxing."
    "Nice to know, my week was rather good and shocking, many changes are now put in place, lik-."
    He cut me short, "Like the announcement of your new baby, not just that but you and your girlfriend, or should I say fiancé are now engaged."
    "Well you seem to have been caught up on everything that's been going on lately around Headquarters."
    "Yes I have, I've even went to Walkman Skating Rink, you should know a lot about that restaurant, right Mr. Armati?" He had a very questionable and weird tone to his voice while he was asking me the question.
    "Yes I guess I would know since I've been there before." I was confused about what my answer should be.
    "I also looked over a couple of the corpse that was checked over this weekend, I wanted to see if the reports have been true, some things in the reports seemed to be out of place."
He was worrying me beyond a certain limit at this point, "Like what sir?"
"Some of the autopsies had minor burn marks by their hands but it wasn't on the report, and by the look of the crime scene the floor was slightly wet. This was the same room that most of the burn marked victims were found in." He gave me a certain look, "Which means that they were electrocuted."
"My mistake sir, I'll make sure that not another report is messed up in my supervision ever again."
His tone changed again "Mr. Armati, I didn't know you were an artist."
I felt my expression changed from relief to one of someone who is pissed off.
"I saw your sketchbook in your desk, you had some really nice designs." He pulled me closer by the tie and whispered in my ear. "Especially all those sketches of The Grey Killer's mark, not just that but I noticed some sketches were mechanisms for traps that had the intention of taking someone's life."
He let go of my tie, when I backed up I noticed something odd. "Your eyes, they're gold!" He shifted his head down and smirked. I hesitated, "Foraminis?"
   "I was right, you have it too, you must be shielding your mind as we speak." He got close again, "You must have Abyssi like me if I'm not wrong, did you really think you was the only one?" He then backed up a little sill whispering, "You're not the only one who has a nice fun night of blood, cries, and shrieking screams." His smirk got a little bigger, "Nothings better than the screams of children and their mothers, am I wrong?"
     I lied, "No sir, you aren't." This sick bastard thinks he can go up on me like that, he better watch out."
     "I understand that you might love to feel the excitement of taking someone's last breath, and to see the lifeless look and all of your victims' eyes." His smirked went down a little, "But you better watch out cause unlike you I don't leave evidence." He slowly put back his smirking and smug expression as I backed up.
I went to the kitchen and saw an empty ice cube tray. The janitor left his supplies in the kitchen for his bathroom break. I took the bleach and chlorine and diluted them with water in the tray. I gently put the tray in the back of the freezer. The chef came back in and I grabbed a glass of champagne so he wouldn't get suspicious. I went back to the less crowded ballroom to see Mr. Anderson calling for my name, I went over to see he was with someone. He called out for my name, "Armati, Armati!" I walked over to someone who looked kind of but kind of not familiar. He had a shaven head and tannish skin, and a look of someone who had too much pride in oneself. He introduced himself, "You must be Armati, I'm Captain Krates." He shook my hand as he introduced himself, he had a really good grip, almost too good.
Mr. Anderson explained, "Captain Krates is in-charge of an unit of the NYC police, he's my very own accomplice, in my so called interest." He was obviously talking about our discussion from earlier.
"So Armati I heard about your interest in the hobby we all have in common."
Mr. Anderson walked behind him and placed his hand on his shoulder, "He helped me with so much of the hard work and is one of the very reasons I was never caught in the first place." He sounded really prideful in the captain and himself. "We can continue this conversation after the big speech." We all walked into the diner-room as a group. I sat next to Robin at our table and was also next to Skylar and Francis. I told Robin I left my phone in the car and she held my spot at the table. I went to the ballroom and saw the chandelier, I remembered how it was held by the string. I went down the hall and found a gallery of armors and weapons, you'd expect them to have cameras in this room. I noticed the double-bladed axe and I picked it up, I went back to the ballroom and noticed the little light next to the rope handle. I reached up and placed the axe so that it'll fall with enough force. I went back to diner-room and the speech was almost over. Mr. Anderson and Captain Krates came up to me and say there was something happening outside but Mr. Anderson whispered to me they needed to talk with me. I told them I needed to use the bathroom and they let me go. I went to the kitchen where the Chef was out again. He must of been listening to the speech also. I noticed a little tray with two glasses of Scotch, with a note that said "Anderson, Krates, Armati." Next to Krates it said to mix with some Gin and Vodka. I tried a waterfall then preceded to put four of the special ice cubes in the drink that was already made. It had some Gin in it so obviously it was for Krates. I decided to put on my gloves and went to the ballroom to see Mr. Anderson and Captain Krates. They were talking and turned to me when I opened the door. 
   Mr. Anderson chuckled his gray hair moving up and down, "Armati you're back, we've been waiting for you!" He smiled brightly, "I ordered special drinks for all of us!" He whistled and a waiter came with an entree of drinks, the same drinks I saw earlier. I held it while Captain Krates preceded to drink all of his cup, with the half melted ice cubes. Mr. Anderson preceded to speak, "We have an important favor to ask you."
      Captain Krates preceded to speak, "We as in me and William would like you to be doing most of the kills for us for a while, just to make sure nothing gets tracked back to us, you know like a guinea pig." He was smirking, thinking I was going to completely apply.
       Mr. Anderson started to smirk too, "Well it's not like you have a choice to go against me and Victor anyways, but what do you say, Lloyd?"
       Captain Krates started to freeze, his breathing wasn't normal. I quickly poured my drink to the ground and hit Mr. Anderson in his leg. He fell down to the floor as I walked towards the door.
        I stood by the doorway, "Its weird, I knew there was something unspoken between us. There's a big difference though in that something. You kill just for fun, you killed women and children for your amusement. Yes I killed for my joy, but never on someone who is as innocent as a child. You use Abyssi for your sick games, I might dabble here and there but I disinfect this city of mobsters and criminals." I started to notice him trying to get up, he quickly slipped on the Scotch I poured on the floor. "You just never seem to learn, there is no way for you to get out of this mess alive. I walked through the gray while you walked through the dark. You thought you could get away with trying to use me as some servant, killing anyone you please. I guess you can say I lit the way for your path, and welcome to your destination." I quickly threw the cup at the axe, I caught the cup and rolled it across the room as the axe fell.
     Mr. Anderson reached out for Captain Krates' gun, he turned to me and saw the axe fall. I turned to close the doors, "Welcome to hell William." It started to appear in slow motion again, the rope snapped from the blade. He screamed as the chandelier fell, I only saw his last moment before I closed the doors. His eyes widen as he knew it was all over him. You can still hear him scream as if time was normal, "Nooo!" it echos through the room. I quickly went to the bathroom and when everyone gathered around to see what happened I sneaked in behind the group. When Robin asked me when did I get the the crowd I told her they almost ran over me at the door when they ran in to look at the scene. Everything was taken cared of, no one knows I'm The Grey Killer, no one knows that I killed them, no one even knows if I had any involvements with them, and now no one can try to blackmail me. Not just that but now I'm the head of all the Forensics in Headquarters. I wonder though was Krates and Anderson the copycat murderers, Anderson was on vacation but with Krates helping him. It couldn't be, Krates was only an accomplice, which means Anderson was the brains behind everything. Well if they were, I don't need to worry anymore. If they aren't, then I have more people off my suspect list.

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