Frozen Lakes

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It was Wednesday morning when I woke up still tired and a little dazed. I looked over to see Robin removing her bandage from her stab wound. It was looked like it was almost healed. Robin had a shocked expression on her face, I walked up to her "Didn't you already know the body heals faster when your pregnant?" She turns around and looked at me, "Yeah since all the stem cells the baby gives the mother I just didn't know it was going to heal that fast." I chuckled, "You're just like a superhero." I opened the dresser to unfold a black button up short sleeved shirt, I walked over to our closet to put out a pair or jeans. I walked to the bathroom and yelled, "Any plans for today honey?" my voice echoed through out the hallway. Robin responded, "Not much we still have the reunion and the I just remembered we have the celebration for everyone who works at Headquarters." I was puzzled, "Where is that?" Robin answered with about puzzled expression, "I don't know, I just remember that it's around downtown, but it's in a basement of a building, kind of like an underground house." I walked back to the room and peaked in, "Are you going to wear the dress you wore to dinner the other night?" She responded, "Might as well, it's not dirty and it kind of looks nice." I walked inside and looked in the drawer for my keys before I forget and misplace them. I found the invitation, "Oh it's eight o'clock tonight."
"So what are we going to do until then?" Robin asked me while finishing her hair.
I responded, "Want to watch movies until the party, just have a you and me day?"
"I'm pretty sure you mean me, you, and the baby now, don't you?" She smiled.
"You know for a fact I do, so what do you want to do today?" I smiled back.
"I'm fine with watching movies, what movie are we going to watch?"
"Let's start with something from our favorite subject."
Robin looked up for a moment with a puzzled face, she looked back to me, "horror!"
"But what movie do you want to watch?"
"How about our favorite movie, you know what I'm talking about."
"Scream?" I was kind of shocked she still wanted to watch it we usually watch it once a year or two.
"Yeah, maybe the baby will like it when he older?"
"If that baby becomes a murderer when he's older than you're to blame for it you know." I kept chuckling trying my best to get the sentence out my mouth.
She tried her best not to laugh, "That's not the worst thing that could happen." She got up to grab her phone
I got closer and held her, she looked up and I kissed her, "I love you mi amore."
Her smile got bigger and she looked down shyly, "I love you too."
"I'm going to go get the movie ready, you stay here and finish what you're doing."
"Okay I guess, don't worry I won't take very long." She sat down in the chair to finish her hair.
I went to the DVD shelf looking for the scream trilogy. I rummaged through all the DVDs in the shelf. I passed through a lot of old movies, Bride of Chucky, Nightmare on Elm street, Friday the 13th. I never noticed how many classics I had until I found Halloween near the back. It wasn't even just the first one, it was all of them except for number three. I never liked Halloween three, it made no sense and didn't even stand with the rest of the series. At least they covered it up when we found out Micheal Myers was in a coma in Halloween four. One of my favorites are also The Chucky Series and Friday the 13th. But Friday the 13th did get stupid after awhile, especially Jason goes to hell. It made no sense that Jason was a weird soul possessing worm that travels from body to body. Not just that but the one with the girl with telekinetic Powers was also out of no where, than the dead father dragging Jason to the bottom of the lake was too much. Jason takes on Manhattan was okay but, it was ruined when he turned back into a kid at the end. Then it was annoyed in Jason goes to hell when he was same normal Jason. It was even more annoying by that I waited for six years for Freddy vs Jason. I remember when I was eleven and I saw Jason goes to hell on DVD, I waited half a decade to see Freddy and Jason finally battle it out. Than the greatest horror movie of all time started, Scream. It was hilarious, horror, mysterious, and self conscious all at the same time. Not just that but you have to find out who the killer is on top of that. Scream four just came out this year and it was amazing, me and Robin kept jumping out our seats during the movie. I can't wait for the movie to come out on DVD this year. Wow that's really coincidental, I just found the trilogy box for the series. I yelled out to Robin that I found the DVDs until I heard the phone ring.
I picked up the phone curious, "Pronto, chi è questo?"
"Hello who's this?, Can you speak English?"
"Si signor questo è la casa di Armati e Moreno."
"I recommend you speak English now Lloyd or you'll see someone hurt."
"Io non conosco, dipende sopra chi."
"Maybe Eliana can convince you?"
"Who are You?"
"Someone closer than you think, what's your favorite scary movie?"
"Scream", I looked at the caller I.D. And it said the call was from New Rochelle. "Hey dumbass, next time you call someone make sure it doesn't have caller I.D., so how's New Rochelle Lamar."
"How the hell did you know it was me?"
"You didn't even disguise your voice that well, you can be such an idiot."
"Yeah, New Rochelle is amazing, you ever been downtown in this city?"
"Yes, a bunch of times, are you finish I'm trying to spend my day with my pregnant fiancé?"
"Ok, just watch out, better use protection" I was about to hang up the phone. "Wait did you call Robin you're fian-!"
"Robin you ready for the movie?" I yelled out across the house.
I waited for an answer, there was no response.
"Robin!" Still no response.
I walked over to look in all the rooms. I went in the bedroom and it was all normal. I walked into the bathroom, not a trace of life. I walked back into the bedroom, it was quiet. It was quiet until I heard the door slammed. Someone was on my back and they wouldn't come off. I slammed myself onto the bed and they let go. The perpetrator let go only for me to find out its Robin.
She looked at me giggling, "I love you."
I gave her a serious look
"You mad at me?"
I changed my expression, "No I'm just worried, I don't want to hurt you or the baby, and I love you too." I picked her up by her hand, "You ready for the movie?"
She smiled, "Yeah!" Jumping up and down frantically almost falling down.
We started to lay down on the couch snuggling in one giant blanket while I used the remote to start the movie. Robin laid her back on my chest and the blanket was below our torsos. One of the many things that I love about Robin that we both have in common, is that we never get scared during horror movies. We would be the only two people in the movie theater that will sit normally while everyone else jumps. People also hate us while watching horror movies cause we'll laugh when someone dies or does something stupid, like running up the stairs or splitting up on purpose. Robin eventually fell asleep during the third movie just around the time Sidney was being chased around by Ghostface at the fake house set for Stab and she fell out the window. It eventually finished and I fell asleep holding her. I woke up around an hour or two later to find out it's six o'clock and that the celebration was starting not that long from now. I woke up Robin and we both quickly got ready, she took a shower while I got dressed in a regular looking suit. I don't usually wear suits since I hate how tight and layered they are but since it was a special occasion I applied. Robin is usually the same with dresses, today and last night we're just special occasions. I walked out the room while Robin quickly ran into the space shutting the door close. I waited by the couch, surprisingly it didn't take her more than five minutes. She walked out the door to find me speechless, she had her hair all the way down, wearing her contacts. She still had the dress, but it looks a little different from before, even though I saw it yesterday. Robin snapped me back to reality so we can go to the celebration. We quickly got to the car, good thing traffic wasn't a big problem. We got downtown looking for the building and parking.
"Robin I got a question." I said hesitantly.
"Yeah?" She replied back.
"Did you bring the paper with the address for the celebration?"
"Oh crap!" Robin quickly looked through her purse and wallet. "Thank god it's right here." She sighed in relief.
I smirked, "Looks like it's on the other side of downtown." I almost laughed as Robin facepalmed herself.
We drove to the destination to a building that wasn't so big or small. As so we thought until we went inside.

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