Fun day

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      I woke up next to Robin tired from staying up all night. I kissed her on her forehead right before I got ready to take a shower. Isn't it relaxing to have the water hit your back while you're thinking? I usually like to put the cold water on, even when it's winter. It was Saturday my day off, Mr. Anderson's coming back to the office on Tuesday. So I still had one day of being alone to my decisions, and one day where I'm in charge. I had to make that day last, or else I'm going to have to try hard again to stay off Lucious and Mr. Anderson's suspect list. I decided to plan out the day ahead, something I usually do a lot, especially when I'm bored. I have to see Eliana and Francisco for breakfast today, which diner did I have to go to again? Oh yeah The Tasty Inn Diner, not that far from Walkman. I turned around a saw that Robin disappeared from her spot in bed. I was curious so I tried to look for her, I checked for her under the sheets. I still couldn't find her, so I checked in the bathroom and living room, nothing. I then decided to check under the bed, I slowly crept down and lifted the sheets up, gently and ever so slightly. The breeze flowed through the curtains, it slightly touched my face. Then, from the corner of my eye I noticed something, it was two feet. Robin then jumped on to my back laughing hysterically and loud. I tried to get her off also laughing loudly. I accidentally put my right foot in front of my left, I started to lose my balance. I fell forward with Robin sitting up on my back.
"I love you." She said, kind of remorseful but still trying to hold her laughter back.
I responded while we were getting up, "I love you too, don't worry I'm ok."
She was looking down, sorry about making me fall, I put my hand up to her chin. I moved her head up facing me, she than changed her expression to a confused one. Her expression changed again, after I kissed her. I pulled my lips away and saw her joyful and smiling. She then told me she has to take a shower and go somewhere later during the day. I explained how I need to go somewhere too. She took a shower as I got dressed and ready to go. Robin came out dressed and said she was ready to go. We went down stairs and started a conversation as we got in the car.
"So who are you going to meet?", Robin asked curiously.
"Eliana, we have to talk about something important, what about you, who are you seeing?", I answered and asked as I closed the door next to me.
"Oh I'm seeing Selene, we have to talk about something important."
"I haven't seen Selene in a while, tell her I said hi."
"You're going to have to see her at the mini reunion we're all having in a week."
"So question, when were you going to tell me this again?"
"Sometime soon most likely."
"In other words never, the night before, or last minute?"
"You know me so well." She has a wide smile, big as the horizon.
       I dropped her off at this nice restaurant, The Ferrman Delight. It looked kind of dark but fancy, unlike the place I'm going. I went down the road, I passed the area where the man was hit by the truck. I looked like nothing happened there, except for the candles and flowers. I turned to the right and went inside a kind of modern and nice looking building. I went up to room 622 and knocked on the door. I then remembered that I had the key, I opened the door to a view of the Hudson River, not that many buildings blocking the view, only about three. I then turned to the side where the door opened. A man came out, I just wished they wore a little more then just a towel.
"Come on Dude, pull that towel a little up Francisco!!!!", I yelled out quickly.
He responded, "What did you expect you walk into my house and hear water running behind a door?"
"I know but you could of dressed up in the bathroom, come on haven't you heard of manscaping at all?", I was talking while trying to hand him some clothes, looking away, I then heard him walk into his bedroom, turning off the air conditioner.
"And for your information I have heard of manscaping, just haven't had a chance to do it in a while." I heard him fall after saying this, he was probably trying to put on some pants, I tried my best not to laugh.
"Do you have what I've asked for?" I was looking for any text from Eliana on my phone, to see if she was coming late.
"It's right on the kitchen counter, I recommend you don't get any fingerprints on it, that'll be bad."
I responded, "Trust me I know." I then put on my black leather gloves, and opened the box. It was a pistol, and next to it was six bullets.
Francisco came out buttoning his coat up, he then spoke. "Don't worry it can't be traced back to me, Lloyd you know I know what you do for fun."
"So you do know, I tried to tell you and I have so many hints."
"So you're going to kill me, now that you found out I know?", I could tell he was joking and messing around with me.
"You know I wouldn't kill you, you're a trusted friend, also you don't speak like other certain people, so Mr. Castillo we have to start going or Eliana is going to get mad at the both of us."
We got into the car and started to go to the diner. The restaurant isn't like a classical diner, the interior is like a diner until you go to the back, or down stairs. Eliana was waiting right there for the both of us. We asked her how long she's been waiting and she said she got here right before we did. Since most of the restaurant is underground it's always lit up with lights and furnishing, they also have amazing food. Me and Francisco got ourselves two burgers while Robin ate onion rings and chicken wings. Francisco needed to use the bathroom and I talked to Eliana.
I started to speak, "You know I'm still going through with my plan."
"Why you know you don't have to?", she said kind of confused.
"You're my best friend and what they did was unforgivable."
"Ok, just don't get caught, ok?"
"You know I never do."
     We finished our food and decided to hang out for a little. We went shopping at this mall by the edge of the city. Of course knowing me, Eliana and I went to Starbucks. While we were at Starbucks Francisco went to Spencer's, Eliana and I went to Hot Topic first and we met him there. I found this vintage gold and silver chess-set. Obviously since I love chess, I bought it the moment I saw it. I decided to look for something for Robin, there wasn't much in the store that she'll like. I decided to buy art supplies, and a cosplay item from her favorite horror movie. Francisco told Eliana that he'll see her later, and that he needs to go with me to do something important. Eliana went in her car and told him not to do anything stupid, me and her laughed since Francisco does a lot of stupid things. He laughed it off with us and we told and waved Eliana goodbye. He got in the car and we both sighed and then I muttered "now it's time for the fun to begin".

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