Frozen Gardens

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It was decided not to go to camp after that, I didn't need to anyways since I was almost to old and that was my third year already. I started to remember how the kids got arrested and questioned for the murder, I'm not sure if they served time for it or got released. It didn't really bothered me since they was also rude to me and a lot of other kids. I looked at the news anchor doing the story that I mentioned was playing earlier. The story was in bold white letters laid there on the screen for everyone watching to see.
Two dead near The Hudson River!
Two hours ago two people both at the age of twenty-nine were found on the outskirts of Lake Justine. No fingerprints were found only a pocket knife black with a symbol on it that kind of looks like a mask. Although the knife is black the symbol is grey, police only have two suspects. One being one of the victims business partner, the other suspect is a thirty-two year old man who was fired the other week after being suspected for inside trading.
I was looking at the name of the reporter and it was then burned in my head. The name was there to be remembered for as long as I needed it to be, well it shouldn't be remembered for long. I then said the name quietly with some hesitation, Susan Carmichael.
I decided to get ready for my date with Robin tonight. We decided to go Ice skating at this fancy indoor skating rank. I put on my hoodie and scarf and grabbed my keys and phone, I almost forgot to turn off my bedroom lights while leaving. I turned off the rest of all the lights and then the television, I slowly walked out of my apartment to a nice and empty white hallway. I always wondered why my apartment building don't have any cameras. When I asked the owner of the building he said that the building didn't have enough in their budget. This was kind of funny and ironic since from my view of the apartment there was a 8 foot television flatscreen in the back with big vertical speakers.
      I walked through the stairway since I don't usually take the elevator. I saw a pregnant lady go in the elevator when I walked out the stairway. Something about having a family always intrigued me, I always wanted to grow something from nothing and raise it shaped from my teachings. I usually hate it when people say they don't like kids cause all the kids they met are obnoxious and annoying. I usually just go to them and remind them of the fact that those aren't their kids and that they can have kids that are better then the annoying ones and that if they didn't want a troublesome child then they should try to raise their own child better. I walked down the block to Madison Square Garden and waited at the bus stop, the bus finally came after I waited forty-five minutes in the cold. I looked outside the bus and saw a family waiting for a cab, the one odd thing was the boy. He had brunette hair, like mine, blue-brown hazel eyes, different from my golden eyes, and medium-tanned skin, like me. When I look at that kid I see myself, he kind of had my appearance but he had one thing I didn't, a killer's look. He had eyes that looking at you alone would make your soul jump. I hope I see him again, I saw him and his family jumping into a car, someone was holding a sign for them, the sign said "Carson". I hope to see that kid again, he looks like a pretty fun guy, someone that can get away with a lot, maybe a future apprentice.
After a little while the bus almost got pretty packed, there was only a few seats untaken by the passengers. These two people started fighting and arguing over their jobs and who made more, the fight was kind of stupid especially since they only meet on the bus and don't see each other for the rest of the day. They got really annoying with all the stupid arguing and threatening to fight the other. I was hoping for the fighting to stop in anyway since they were really annoying me, I was trying to read my book and all I keep hearing are these idiots fighting over bull crap. I heard one of them yelling that they're leaving the bus and asked to get off the nearest bus stop, I was so rejoiced hearing one of them leave. They asked to be left right there instead of the bus stop since they didn't want to hear the other guy mouthing them off. The bus driver applied and the moment he open the door the guy went out, suddenly you hear trunk noises as the truck drives through the man and his blood splatters on the window. Everyone was horrified, well almost everyone, obviously speaking for myself. I got off the bus and started to walk since the stop I have to see Robin at was only a few blocks down the street. On the way I saw the truckers face, so guilty yet so naive, maybe he saw the man coming out but didn't care, well all I know is that his insurance is going to go through the roof. I started to see Robin there waiting for me surprised that I was walking instead of coming out the bus.
        Robin Asked, "Did you really walk all those miles to come see me?
         I replied, "Actually I rode the bus three quarters here."
          We both started walking continuing the conversation, "What made you decide to get off?"
          "On the way here these two idiots started fighting and when one of them got off a passing truck ram through his body."
          "Oh, to bad hope he didn't have a family to look after."
          She didn't look as mortified as I suspected she would of, she actually look kind of normal like this is a daily thing she sees, I even thought I saw her smirking from the idea of the man dying.
          "So how far is the ice rink away from here again?"
          "About half a mile."
          "Lloyd why would you make me walk this far when we could of both rode the bus to the rink instead?"
          "I wanted to talk to you on the way, I enjoy these moments, you and me."
          "Yeah me too it's just we could have done this while riding the bus."
          "True, but the bus isn't coming anyways since the bus driver has to fill out that police report."
           "Why are you always right, so I guess walking was a pretty good call."
           "So you getting ready to move into my place after the weekend?"
           "Actually I'm already packed we can do it tomorrow if you want?"
           "That would be absolutely lovely."
           "Hey, how did you manage to find a four bedroom apartment, with good rent while in the middle of college?"
           "I knew some people."
           "I should have just moved in with you after high school shouldn't of I?"
           "That would have been easier."

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