Farwells X and X ships

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#########Cherrie's P.O.V. #######

"Gonnnn!! why do we have to come out this early, not like that dumb fish is going anywhere" I said with a pout and a whine.

"yes Cherrie we did because as you know if we carch this then we can take the hunter exam and become hunters AND find out parents THEREFORE the more time we have the more likely were are to catch this 'dumb fish'  you understand?" Gon says with a hints of a 'duh' tone to his voice.

" Okay okay but it is a 5 chance that we will catch it so it is now very probable for us to catch it okay i dont want you to get your hopes up" 

-------__---__----oh magical time skip brought to you by............. CUTE DOGS!!

We have been here for three hours and the closes we got to catching the king fish is this normal sized bass and i am starting to get tired of being bored and just sitting her watching the water

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We have been here for three hours and the closes we got to catching the king fish is this normal sized bass and i am starting to get tired of being bored and just sitting her watching the water.

"hey Cherrie i got something  and it is HUGE get ready with your knife"Gon says in one brush. Right after i got my knife out he got the fish and started to wrap the pole around the tree as the fish is about to get away i stab it and it goes limb.

When we got back to village with the fish we were surrounded by people and bardorded with question after question about how we got this catch as they get close i start to shrink back. Then when on till Mito-san came and saved us with a sad look on her face. 

"hey mito-san we caught the king of the lake as promised..." Gon starts

" so does that mean that we get to take the hunter exam?" I finished off the sentence (we do this sometimes)

"well... yes i guess so " she says with a slit sad tone to her voice

"YAY!!!! WE GET TO TAKE THE HUNTER EXAM!!" We say at the same time "JINX!!DOUBLE JINXS!!TRIPLE JINKS!!! pinch poke you owe me a coke!" we said all of that togather except for the last part i said that :p.

"Man you always win ugh" He said with a frustarated sigh 

As i got home i was confronted by my siblings hearing the news of me taking the hunter exam

"Cwerry is it true you going to be weaving like mommy and daddy" My little sister Ginger asked and when she said that it hurt my heart that she would think that. I picked her up

" Ginger i would never do that i am coming back right after the exam and i am going to hug all of you again" i said

"wou pwomise?" she asked

" i sister promise" I said as we enterlock our pinkies and put our thumbs togather and kissed them. 

-----__--------__-------Time skip brought to you by cute little babie

-----__--------__-------Time skip brought to you by cute little babie

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not in this lifetime? (hunter x hunter x oc) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now