Chapter 1 : A Never Forgotten Night

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Thariaa :

sigh *



Yes .. this is me .. in my wedding dress .. A night .. that I will never forget ..

I am looking around, everyone is happy and smiling, playing loud musics, dancing. I turned to my right side and .. I see my sisters, my two beloved twin sisters Hasna (حسناء) and Jamila (جميلة), they are my older sisters. And here is my mother .. my life .. my precious mother Shuqara (شقراء), dancing with my sisters while there is tears in her beautiful eyes, that almost made me want to cry .. Everyone is hyper, everyone is laughing, such a beautiful positive feelings!.

I turned my head to the life side and I see my husband .. My husband Sheheen ... He was sitting on my left side facing the ground .. Anger in his face .. Sadness in his eyes, I felt like the music volume is gone, everyone is disappeared, everything is turning black .. and I only see my husband .. the guy that I will spend the rest of my life with. My eyes notice his hands .. His right hand was on his knee, he was grabbing his knee so hard that you can see his veins, his left hand, he was grabbing his fist, I looked back into his face, I slowly reached my left hand to his right hand that was on his knee, as my fingers almost touched his hand, he immediately pushed my hand away from his.

A strange feelings hit my heart .. Like something grabbed my heart .. Why ? ... why would you do such thing .. !? .. It was a horrible feeling ..

His grandmother come toward us, she kissed my forehead then goes to her grandson and whisper in his ear .. He raised his head while she walked away ..

When the time has come that we have to leave and go to our houses, while we were walking, my mother came across, hugged me and said" God bless you two .. " as she was crying, I couldn't handle it .. My tears started to fall down, while I was looking around .. I saw her ...... I saw Luliwa ... Shaheen's lover .. All the sudden, Shaheen grabbed my wrist so hard, it was hurting me and started to walkout quickly.

We reached home, while he was opening the main door, I was staring into his eyes. "GET IN!!" Shaheed yelled, I entered the house .. with fear .. He slammed the door so hard that I jumped scared, it was so loud.

" A-are you okay h-hon-ney" I said with fear while he immediately screamed on my facing saying :


" What .. ? ......... Why are you screaming on me ? .. why would you call me all that .. ? gross ? p-poison .. ? .. aren't you my husband ? ...." all these thoughts came inside my head. He walked so fast to the bedroom, shut the door and locked it, I walked to the door saying " W- .. where should I sleep ?" "ANY WHERE I DON'T CARE ! IN THE BATHROOM OR IN HELL!! I JUST REALLY DON'T CARE!!!!" he responded loudly.

I was walked around the house .. shocked .. my hands were shacking .. I entered the living room, my knees fall down to the ground as tears was falling from my eyes .. I was crying so hard .. all night .. until I fall asleep .. without feeling myself .. in my wedding dress .. was this my fault ? I don't deserve any of this .. Which girl whiches that her wedding night be like this ? .. A start of her marriage life .. like this ?

I know why he is mad .. why he is disgusted from me .. He wasn't imaging that I am the other half of his life .. All his life, he was in love with that girl .. that girl I saw in the wedding .. Luliwa ..



Here is the story of Shaheen and Luliwa ..

~ End of Chapter 1 ~

My Unfortunate Life (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz