Chapter Seventeen

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I walked into the Bunker, the scan picture stuffed in my back pocket. But something immediately felt off, it wasn't my stomach, it wasn't morning sickness and it wasn't just all in my head. The whole bunker was dark, Baby was still parked outside and usually Tess, Dean and Sam would be on a case right now. I slowly reached for the light switch and flicked it on but kinda wished I didn't, Dean was sat in the centre of the room tied to a chair with cuts over his face, his eyes squinted at the light before widening as he saw me, "Dean, what's... What's going on?" I managed to stutter as I pulled the duct tape from around his mouth. "Get outta here Anna. Get yourself safe!" He told me. "Crowley sent his supernatural beasts here. He has Sam tied up in the bedroom, TJ tied up in the garage and me in here. He was looking for you, said he wanted to kill you because he knew your secret. Obviously Sam didn't know what he was talking about and he wasn't told, he was smacked over the head with something and dragged to the bedroom. Go, Becky! Get outside, now!" He told me. "But Dean--" I began. "Now Becky, GO!" He yelled at me. I turned around just in time for the front door to slam and there stood Crowley, the man I'd had plenty of run ins with in the past four months. "Well, well well..." He began. "Dammit!" I heard Dean mumble from behind me. "What have we here?" Crowley said as he took a step towards me. I stepped back until I fell down onto Dean's knee, I wasn't meant to but I stayed there.

I could feel Dean staring from me to Crowley, "Don't touch her." He spat. "Oh pretty boy, I'm not going to... But my demons might." Crowley said with a slight smirk. I stared at him for a little while before glancing around, "Oh Sammy!" He called causing someone to come out of the bedroom. I watched as Sam staggered over to me, "That's not Sam." Dean whispered in my ear as I stayed glued to his knee. I slowly nodded before looking at 'Sam', "Hey baby." I said with a small smile. I was obviously pretending, I trusted Dean more than anything, "Why are you sitting on Dean's knee?" He asked. "I... Er... I fell." I stated before placing my hands behind my back and feeling Dean's pockets which he looked extremely uncomfortable at. I grabbed an angel blade out of his pocket and held it in my hands behind my back, I think he was relieved when he realised that I wasn't touching him up. I stared at the 'Sam' who stood in front of me, "Come give me a cuddle baby girl." He smiled. He looked and sounded exactly like Sam but his eyes were a different shade to Sam's, I slowly walked up to him and placed my arms around him, he hugged me back before trying to squeeze the air out of my lungs, I gripped the angel blade in my hands and slammed it into his back. I watched him shine orange before dropping to the floor and Crowley stared at me annoyed as I began approaching him, "Now now Rebecca, think about what you're doing..." He mumbled as he stepped back until he was against the wall. "Why? Why should I think about what I'm doing when I've wanted to kill you for months?" I asked. "Because... I... Er..." He said at a loss for words. "I'll let you go on one condition, Crowley." I said. "What condition is that?" He asked. "You stay away from me, my baby, Sam, Dean AND Tessa... And if you ever so much as lay one finger on any of us or if you try and kill my child again, I will kill you... Deal?" I asked. "Deal, yes. Deal." He said before shaking my hand. "Now get the fuck away, you cunt!" I spat causing him to run out of the door. I quickly walked over to Dean and cut him loose, he instantly pulled me into a hug, "That was some real bravery there, I'm proud of you... Baby hunter." He smiled. "Imma go get TJ, you go to Sammy." He told me to which I nodded. "Oh and Anna..." He said as he stopped. "Yeah?" I asked. "Just be careful, I have no idea what condition these two are in so just be prepared for anything, okay?" He said. "Okie dokie." I nodded before heading to the bedroom where he said Sam was.

I pushed the door open to mine and his bedroom, he was tied to a chair with duct tape over his mouth. I ran over and gently pulled the tape off, "Are you okay?" I asked him. "Yeah, I'm fine." He smiled as I cut him loose. He immediately lifted me into the air and span me around whilst hugging me, "I'm so glad you're okay." He said as he hugged me. "How's Dean and Tess?" He asked. "Dean's fine. I'm not sure about Tess, he's gone to her." I said as we left the bedroom and walked into the living room where Tess was sat hugging Dean. "It's okay TJ, Anna warned Crowley off and he looked petrified of her." Dean told her. "I can be quite scary when I want to." I smiled. Tessa instantly lifted her head at my voice and ran over, she practically tackled me to the floor for a hug, "I'm so glad you're okay. He said he wanted you dead." She whispered. "You know me babes, I'm a fighter. And fighter's never back down." I smiled as we both stood back up and I headed towards Sam. "Can I talk to you?" I asked seriously causing him to look around worriedly. "I--Is something wrong?" He questioned. "No, nothing's wrong. I just need to tell you something." I stated. "Can't you say it in front of Dean and Tess?" He asked. I sighed before glancing at Tess and Dean, "It's best if you guys talk about this alone, Tess and I will go and get some food and beer." Dean said as he and Tessa stood up to leave. They quickly said "bye" before walking out leaving Sam and I alone to talk.

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