chapter 2.

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author's note:

here's another chapter and this one is still small,
but hopefully you'll like it~

about halfway through the story, the chapters become longer and with a lot more to offer so *winky face* look forward to it

also, take the time to watch my baby jungkook dancing (I bet you all already saw it but still!). he's so talented~


           "Oh my—Are you okay?"

           When I looked up at the sound of a worried and innocent voice, my eyes widened slightly in surprise.

           The seven boys who were known to be BTS, trainees at Big Hit, were standing on their uniforms in front of me. Even though they were still a few steps away from where I sat, I could still make out the worried and surprised looks on their faces, almost as if they were about to take a step forward to help me up. As I looked down at my knees again, I felt the pain turn into a burn that stung, somehow.

           "I'm alright. I was just surprised when I heard people opening the door and I just—ended up falling," I replied with a slightly bitter chuckle. "I'm sorry to worry you. I'm usually quite clumsy so I'm used to it."

            I tried to stand up, holding on to the net on the fence as I showed an embarrassed smile, hoping that if they could at least see that, they'd forget about the whole thing. They eyed me curiously and even took a step forward as if afraid I would fall if they didn't help. At that moment, I really just wanted to go clean up the blood and eat something.

           I took my bag and bowed to them, apologizing for making them worried. I was about to make my way out the rooftop and into the school again, but a hand caught my arm, this time strong but gentle, the complete opposite from Minhee's.

           "You can't just dismiss it. You're bleeding." When I turned to look at who had spoken, the tall boy with gentle brown eyes and light brown hair was still holding my arm and looking worriedly at me. "It's best if you go to the infirmary."

           "Yeah, we'll take you there." Another tall boy with a strong voice said coolly, his sunglasses blocking the sight of his eyes, and his short blonde hair more enticed by the sun.

           "Oh no, it's fine." I shrugged it off with a chuckle and bowed as a thank you, feeling the warm hand slowly letting go of my arm. "I'll go there by myself. Please enjoy your free period."

           I bowed quickly again and smiled brightly before walking away, not giving them time to reply. I walked as fast as I possibly could given the pain on my knees, and headed to the ladies' room, sighing in relief once the door was closed behind me. I picked a piece of paper and went to the sink, soaking it with water before cleaning the blood off my knees, wincing at the coldness of the soaked paper against the open wound. It wasn't as bad as it looked once the blood was being washed off, but it stung with every breeze of air.

           "Great... Now I have to eat here." I said quietly to myself, looking around the deserted bathroom once I was done cleaning my wounds.

           I had no other choice but to lock myself in one of the stalls again and eat lunch as quietly as I could. I wasn't going to leave that stall for a while. If I was to do so and go find another place to eat, I was afraid I'd run into those seven boys again. As unlikely as that was, I wasn't ready to run into Minhee either. She was a sweet girl, so it seemed, but I only talked to her for a few seconds and I wasn't about to trust her just yet. Plus, as nice as she was, picturing her raise her voice to point out the wounds on my knees as soon as she saw me, drawing attention from everyone else around us, was not something I was ready to deal with.

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