Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I am awoken by a noise sound that sounded like the breaking of glasses. Dylan and dad are probably having their usual ‘arguments’. I squint my eyes to look at the butterfly clock.  2 a.m. it reads. So much for the long weekend sleep I had planned.

I feel warm so I shrug my blanket off and roll around and bury my face the pillow. The yelling gets louder. Thank God we don’t have neighbors otherwise I’m pretty sure we would be broke paying off complaint fines.

I groan and grab another pillow to cover my head with hoping it would cease the voices. But my attempts were fruitless. Ugh. Don’t they want to get some sleep? I mean, I can imagine Dyl waking up at an ungodly hour but dad is always awake and ready before any of us. How does he do it?

After a few more tries, I huff and clutch my pillow tightly and storm out of my room. They’re still yelling, no way I’m getting in the middle of that. Instead, I go to Rosy’s room, which is at the corner most end plus it is farther away from my dad and Dyl’s fight.

I don’t knock. I walk in and find her sound asleep. I smile at the sight of this. She looks so peaceful, oblivious to what’s going on outside her four walls. I’m glad she’s so strong and naïve at the same time. It’s a good thing, wouldn’t want her to end up like her older sister.

Something catches my attention. Rosy has her arms curled around a bear doll. The bear doll which was gifted to her by a certain ‘someone’ last Christmas, this brings a frown to my face.

How much effect can one lady have on this family?

The answer: a great deal. The next thing I know, I’m rolling in Rosy’s bed with my arms around her…and the bear. It takes me several minutes to fall asleep but eventually I drift away and the noise doesn’t bother me anymore.


I wake up at nine in the morning due to the bright Westfield weather. Rosy’s has already left; poor kid has school on a Saturday also. I crawl out, make the bed and leave the room. I look at the room which was previously Dylan’s before he moved to the room on the second floor. He never told us why, I guess he just didn’t want footsteps interrupting him during his usual hangovers.

I enter my room and fall into the bean bag. I shut my eyes and let the drowsiness takes over. For five seconds, before some completely inconsiderate person starts throwing pebbles at my window. I stomp on my feet and open my window and find Dean standing in the garden. I gesture my hands for an explanation but he just grins and waves. I sigh and gesture for him to come near my balcony. He lifts his thumb up . I shut the window and run to my balcony and see that’s he’s already there.

“What are you doing here?” I shout.

“Good morning to you too,” he sarcastically wishes and I roll my eyes, “and the answer to your question,” he folds his arms in front of his torso and smirks, “I live here now, remember?” Oh, right. They are moving in today.

I smile, “Yes. But I don’t understand why you were throwing pebbles at my window.”

He smiles sheepishly, “Uhhh…I wanted to wake you up?”

I keep my elbow on the grilling and rest my chin on it. I tilt my head in a questioning way, “And why is that?”

He scratches the nape on this neck and looks up, “Want to hang out?”


“C’mon Jenny, it’ll be fun. Please…” he looks up with an open mouth and wide eyes, “did you say yes?”

Because of YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon