Getting Noticed

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In my experience, I have seen so many people in here who follow famous or non-famous writers, not because they like that particular author's books. They follow these guys and girls, thinking they will get a  a follow-back later.

This is not a good idea, especially if the writer is one of the more popular users on Wattpad, chances are, they won't even give you a second look let alone check out your stories.

The best way to get started is to first publish a story on Wattpad. It doesn't have to be great, but you'll find out soon enough if people like it or not.  Take the criticism, 9 out of 10 times, they just want to help make your work better. Make sure you have a good story-line in mind, people will want updates so it's easier and faster if you have your stories planned out ahead of time. You may not have many reads at first but slowly, people will start to notice your books and you will get followers.

For an easy way to get your books noticed, you can promote it a club. Suppose, your story is categorized under Romance and Teen Fiction, you can promote it at the 'Romance Club'or at the 'Teen Fiction Club' on Wattpad.

Another way is to start reading stories. Whether it is from a famous or not-so famous writers on Wattpad, comment on their books, give your opinion, support them if you like them.

Especially if there are not super popular on here, chances are they will check you out. I know I did and still do whenever a new user checks out my work. I'll read, vote, and comment on their books and if I really like them, I will follow.

This promotes them to my followers who may also check them out and so on. It will take quite some time so be patient. You can't just sit back and wait for readers to come. That rarely works. You have to promote your own work. But don't advertise on other people's work, that's just rude. You'll get there eventually.

By @TheWizardGuy

With tidbits added by @Cookie3770


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