"You diden see any hing" the irish madn mumbled, trying to keep ice cream in his mouth.

"Guys!" Liam snapped. "Alice was saving these for the end of camp dance!" he scolded.

Jackie reached behind her and pulled out another tub of ice cream. She pushed it towards Liam. "You want some?"

He rolled his eyes and sighed in frustration, closing the door on them. He could hear their laughter from outside the door. He sighed again and looked around the kitchen, searching for anything out of place.

When he couldn't find any signs of someone else hiding there, he headed towards the back door, knowing some of the group had hidden outside. He had heard giggles and the door slam while he was counting. As he walked past the large trash cans by the door, he noticed one of the can's lid wasn't closed all the way, and appeared to be kept open by something inside the can. He knew that there wasn't any trash in the can because he had personally emptied the cans after lunch and everyone had eaten dinner at the campout.

He approached the can with caution and grabbed the lid. He tore it off. Jake was wedged into the trash can and peered awkwardly up at Liam from his cozy spot in the can. "Hi" he grinned.

Liam raised an eyebrow at him. "Come on, get out" Liam prodded.

Jake wiggled, causing the can to rock back and forth, but didn't move. "Um, I think I'm stuck."

Liam's eyes widened when he realized that Jake could not escape the trash can. "How does that even happen?" he asked Jake, grabbing the sides of the can and holding it in place.

Jake wiggled some more, but didn't have any success. "Well, simple, I climbed in and squeezed myself in here, then Paris put the lid on."

"Paris?" Liam asked.

"Yeah," Jake groaned, forcing himself up. "She and Kali are hiding around here somewhere." All of a sudden, the can tipped and fell over with Jake still stuck inside. "Ow!"

Liam eyed the can as it rolled with Jake. He leaned ontop of the can and caused the sides to expand slightly. "Try crawling out now" Liam suggested.

Jake wiggled and finally pushed himself free. He stood up and brushed himself off. "Remind me not to do that again."

"Which way did Paris and Kali go?" Liam changed the subject.

Jake looked around and then shrugged. "But the thing you should know is, Kali's spot is going to be super creative and Paris can squeeze into small spaces."

Liam looked towards the kitchen's back door and realized that it was at the end of a small hallway created by the pantry on one side and the laundry room on the other. He walked towards the pantry; Jake followed him. 

Liam forced open the door and turned on the light. The pantry looked untouched. But as the light flipped on he could of sworn he heard something scrape across the floor. He scanned the room with his eyes and growled when he couldn't find anyone. And then Jake pointed towards the cleaning supplies. 

Someone's shoes were poking out, underneath a tarp on the ground. Liam ripped the tarp up and found Zayn huddled in the corner. Liam laughed. "Gotcha!"

Zayn shrugged and stood up. "Louis was behind the door" Zayn admitted. Jake, who was still in the doorway, peeked behind the door and then looked back at the other two boys and shook his head. Liam groaned and stalked out, openeing the door of the laudry room to search there.

"There's no place to hide here!" Liam groaned.

"Dude!" Jake scolded. "There are four big machines right there and you don't think someone could have crawled inside one?"

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