The only thing stopping us chapter 11

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chapter 11

the heavens should take him

As it dawned on them they had to move on quickly so they didn't get caught by the guards in the tent, mourning was not a option but revenge was! It was the best to stop black mouth in his tracks before they all end up died like Steven. Joel was kicking and screaming wanting to get back in the warehouse but it was not safe and he really didn't trust any other to take over the whole base yet and he meant yet.

As soon as they got back to the base tears rolled down everyones face, the other team came rushing in as soon as they heard sobs "What's wrong?... Oh I see" Jon said lowering his eyes knowing what exactly happened "now what we will have to do something" he added "we will fight back I know where Black Mouth works and live" said Joel staring at the wall "we are above a abandoned block of flats if you guys care to follow me up" he added

He knocks a wall and it moves abit to reveal an outline of a door the three start to wonder about the Flat and wondered if what Black Mouth said was true or not

they all race up the stairs and they all saw the factory "see that? that's the evil den and death pit" said Joel the three all said "we will go on it was our friend who died out there we need this revenge" " Ok let's do the plan" said Joel not arguing but everyone could see he was not keen on the plan "we should have a minute of silence for Steven" said Steph "And we shall" said Jon as he comes up the stairs

the block looks like a moldy old horror film set so they get going quickly down the stairs where the other team made a remembrance plack for them with candles and flowers around it that they found close to the base. The plack said

to the wonderful Steven who risked everything for a better future

now they had the minute silence and tears they walk to Joel's office "it's time for a plan of action" said Reese thoughtfully " Joel looks up whilst reading paperwork "let's do this then come up I'll show you the weak points of the factory and the two teams will work together this will be the end for the evilness"

"stop the plan right there" someone shouted in the darkness

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