A Leader's Struggles

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The story begins on a beautiful night in New York City. The moon and stars were out, there was not a cloud in the sky and it was very peaceful. Although New York was not you're ordinary city. Alot of weird things happen there from alien invasions to an evil ninja clan known as The Foot Clan. And there were alot of strange creatures that walk around here. Just like a group of creatures that arrived there two days ago. Somewhere in a lair a group of animals have just gotten there new home set up. There names were Ace Bunny, Lexi Bunny, Danger Duck, Tech E. Cyote, Slam Tasmanian and Rev Runner. They were also known as The Loonatics. You see they actually had superpowers that were given to them cause of a meteor that hit their old home Acmetropolis and ever since then they used their powers to protect the world from evil. Most recently they saved the galaxy from an evil man named Deuce and have been named Guardians Of The Universe. A couple days after it happened their boss Zadavia assagined them to relocate to New York since they heard of all the things happening and they could assist the heroes that they heard lived here on their missions. On the blacony the leader of the team Ace Bunny was thinking about everything that happened to them. It's become quite alot for him from becoming A Guardian Of The Universe to moving to a new city. Not to mention Duck has been very mean to him by insulting him and treating him with no respect. Ace sighed as he looked at the sky. "This is becoming all to much, I don't even know if I deserve this Guardian Of The Universe thing besides what if no one in this city will accept us and try to hurt us oh man if anyone hurt my friends I'd never forgive myself what sort of leader I'd be if that happened?!" he said worriedly. But then Ace just took a deep breath. "Calm down Ace maybe you're just getting yourself worked up over nothing, you;ve got your team who's counting on you, maybe someday there will be something to show me that this is right being here, that I can show that we belong here and maybe I am the leader Zadavia believes I am." said Ace. He looked at the city as music began to play and he began to sing.

Ace: I have often dreamed

Of a far off place

Where a hero's welcome

Will be waiting for me

Where the crowds will cheer

when they see my face

And a voice keeps saying

this is where I'm meant to be

I'll be there someday

I can go the distance

I will find my way

If i can be strong

I know every mile

Will be worth my while

When i go the distance

I'll be right where I belong

Down an unkown road

To embrace my fate

Though the road may wander

It will lead me to you

And a thousand years

Would be worth the wait

It may take a lifetime

But somehow I'll see it through

And I won't look back

I can go the distance

And I'll stay on track

No i won't accept defeat

It's an uphill slope

But i won't lose hope

Till i go the distance

And my journey is complete

But to look beyong the glory

Is the hardest part

For a hero's strength is measured

by his heart

Like a shooting star

I can go the distance

I will search the world

I will face it's harms

I don't care how far

I can go the distance

Till i find my hero's welcome

Waiting in your arms

I will search the world

I will face it's harms

Till i find my hero's welcome

Waiting in

Your arms.

When he finished singing Ace yawned as he felt tired. "I should get some sleep, maybe tommorow I'll have that luck but I wouldn't get my hopes up." he said honestly. Then Ace went inside to go to sleep. Little he did he know that the next day something was gonna happen that will change his and the others lives forever.

Loonatics Unleased belongs to Warner Bros. 

The song is Go The Distance by Lucas Grabeel.  

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