My mother did leave me, she left me before she even had the chance to meet me.

"There's darkness in you, and it'll call to you. You can't make the same mistake your mother made," Nana whispered.

I rose an eyebrow and leaned back into the couch, everything inside of me went numb and it felt hard to breathe properly.

"Mistake? What do you mean?"

She smiles at my questions, the nervousness the seeped into my shaky voice. My wide eyes as she told me about the woman who died while carrying me.

There was always this small pit in my stomach, that always seemed to overcome the hate that I had for her. A curiosity that burned deep, a feeling I couldn't shake because all I wanted was to know her.

"When the first fall happened, when Lucifer and other angels fell. It's all happening again now. And your mother witnessed the first fall, she-"

"That was thousands and thousands of years ago," I whispered, causing her to smile at me, her eyes alight.

She nodded, "Indeed, your mother was around for a very long time." She whispers.

"Darkness and Light fought against each other, angels against the fallen. Lucifer against God, and so the darkness creeped up on Delia."

"It was always in her, so she didn't fight it and it consumed her, until she met your father."

My heart stops in my chest and I clench my fingers into fists by my sides, trying to control the anger building up inside of me.

"Vampires tend to hide away, staying away from humans and other supernatural creatures. But when Delia met Jonathan, she couldn't help but fall for him."

"He was the good, the light that she needed to help her away from the darkness, to strip away the evil from her."

I shook my head, that couldn't be true. Because if it were, she'd still be here, she wouldn't have killed herself.

"She left him before he could turn her, she loved him and that's why she left,"

"It was impossible for Vampires to be pregnant, it's against their creation and yet here you are." She explains.

The house was silent, even outside was silent. No one around for a good few blocks. The town was quieter than usual and it was somewhat terrifying.

"She was told she had to kill Jonathan, so instead she killed herself, that was her way of letting the light win, the darkness no longer having control over her."

Tears slid down my face and I cleared my throat while standing to my feet. It felt like something snapped inside of me and I couldn't put it back together.

I finally knew the truth.

"But what about me?" I croaked out, feeling pain surge through my heart.

How could she kill herself while she was pregnant with me? That's the one thing I never truly understood. She was willing to let the both of us die. Not just her, but me.

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