Eight: "You Never Had To Ask."

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Suddenly, Rey felt the skin binding chains around her wrists unlock. The cuffs released, falling on the floor beside her knees. Then, there's a loud stirring noise that came from the throne.

Rey looked up, watching the bottom of the chair start to spin clockwise. "I wonder what Jedi scum like you is doing here all alone," the voice spoke again. When the chair was finally in her direction, Rey met the person whom, she didn't doubt was sitting on the throne. She was filled with rage, anger of the bitter truth. But then, the chair continued to move, rotating past her.

"No, no, stop!" The Supreme Leader yelled, thrashing around for something. He dropped his hands tracing the armrests for a button or some control option to make it stop.

The Supreme Leader was frustrated when he didn't get the spinning to stop—wanting his entrance cue to be as perfect as he had planned in his head since he heard news of the scavenger's arrival. Finally, he found the control button to make the chair stop and rotated back counterclockwise until it faced Rey once again. He forced a cough, the inside of his cheeks filled with heat from embarrassment.

"Sorry, I'm still not used to the chair," he explained, as if he had to. "What do you think? I had the option to rotate built in. . .but it's too fast for my taste."

Rey's mouth was still open, not from the anger by who she was staring at, but from what she just bared witness to. She raised a brow, confused whether she should feel threatened or confused. Though did she really feel threatened in the first place? She did come here on her own.

Rey tried her hardest to hold back her laughter, not able to predict what he'll do if he saw her laugh at him.

Since Rey hadn't answer him, the Supreme Leader continued, "No matter." He placed his gloved hands on the armrests and gracefully pushed himself off his throne.

Rey watched him as he got up. She watched every movement, from the way he stretched his long legs under the black attire he wore as he strode down the pathway so light she could barely hear his footsteps. He came right up to her that his feet seemed to never stop, but they do once he was close enough that was a tower over her.

The Supreme Leader couldn't help but smirk at the sight he never believed he'd witness, especially not from Rey. She was kneeling to him (though by force). He had to admit, it felt satisfying, but a part of him said otherwise. Seeing her kneeled in front of him against her will, it made his stomach curl.

He threw a hand out in front of him and all of a sudden, the air above Rey's hair tore in half by an object flying over her head. A lightsaber flew into The Supreme Leader's open hand from one of the Stormtrooper's hand. He immediately inspected the slightly lengthy weapon, ignoring the owner unchained underneath him. He eyed this new model lightsaber, one new to his eyes since he's never seen one like this before. He remembered hearing stories of a Sixth Lord who once had a lightsaber like this. He heard about the damage he's done with it, how greatly he fought in battle with such a powerful weapon to his advantage.

By the structure of this one, he could point out a few flaws but it appeared clean and steady under his leather fingertips. This was made just for her, he thought to himself. He could tell by what the weapon made out to be.

A staff.

"What I do want to know is," he started to question Rey, whom stared up at him with curious eyes. "How did you build yourself a lightsaber?" He turned the device in both of his hands, examining every inch of it like its the most foreign object he had ever seen or touched. Then, he pressed his thumb on the red button and the lightsaber ignited.

The sweet, but piercing sound of the lightsaber igniting struck the air, echoing inside the large throne room. Blue blazed out from both sides of the lightsaber and it was luminosity reflected across the glossy black floor.

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