( iii ) TRAINING

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THE NEXT MORNING, Victoria was woken up by Newt, who walked her down to breakfast

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THE NEXT MORNING, Victoria was woken up by Newt, who walked her down to breakfast. Joining the queue of boys, she could already hear her stomach growling with hunger and whatever Frypan had whipped up smelt delicious. Reaching the front, the Cook flashed the pair a bright, friendly smile and handed them each a plate of bacon and eggs.

Thanking him politely, Victoria followed Newt to an empty table and placed herself across from him. Lifting the rusty fork, she dug into her breakfast, humming with satisfaction. Out of nowhere, another figure recklessly slumped down beside Newt, immediately shovelling food into his gob unattractively.

"Good morning to you too, Minho." Victoria chuckled shyly, his dark eyes looking up to her briefly. "Morning, Vicky." His words were muffled until he swallowed his mouthful of bacon. "Vicky?" Newt questioned the new nickname the Runner had given her with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's less of a mouthful." Minho scoffed, before catching onto his words. "Haha, get it? Mouthful?" He pointed to his gob, Victoria shaking her head yet a smile creeping upon her lips. "Sure, you can call me whatever."

"Shouldn't I have a nickname for you, too?" Newt's pink lips formed a cute pout which almost caused the girl's cheeks to flush crimson, however she refrained from them doing so. "I mean, you don't need to. . ."

"How about Tori? That's short and sweet." The blonde suggested eagerly, the name rolling off his tongue lifting Victoria's features contently. "Sure, yeah. Tori's cool."

"Tori it is."

"Good morning, shanks." A deeper voice entered the conversation, a familiar dark-skinned man taking the space beside the Greenie. They all greeted him as he ate himself. "First day of training, Greenie. You excited?"

"Am I meant to be?" She raised a single eyebrow, watching the corners of his lips lift. "So today you'll be spending half of the day with the Track-Hoe's and the other half with the Slicers. Sound good?" He explained, watching her nod with agreement.

Once breakfast was over, since Newt worked with the Track-Hoes as well as being Second in Command, he took her to the gardens and introduced her to the job alongside Zart, the keeper of the Track-Hoes. Showing her how to tie vines, plant, etc.

Given a handful of potato seeds, Victoria was instructed to plant them, which meant she was crouched in the soil, dropping and covering seeds with the dirt. Hearing the faint sound of wolf whistles and voices, she looked over her shoulder and squinted her eyes to see a group of boys in the distance with their eyes on her. More specifically, her backside.

Glancing over the garden, Newt noticed the girl's skin had paled, her eyes preoccupied with something else that wasn't planting seeds. Following her vision, he immediately caught the other Gladers red handed. Dropping his hands down from the vine he was tying, his muscles tensed.

Bittersweet → TMR, NewtWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt