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IT WAS EARLY, very early

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IT WAS EARLY, very early. The morning light was only just creeping out, but there was still a dull atmosphere. The cool air nipped at Victoria's skin as she walked alongside Newt, Minho and Alby across the field to the concrete doors that would be opening any minute. At first, she was confused as to why Alby was accompanying the Keeper of the Runners, but then she was told he was going to retrace Ben's footsteps. Which in a way, made sense.

"All right, it's showtime," Minho exhaled with motivation, rubbing his hands together. "How do I look?" He asked Victoria in particular whilst the other two men shared a look of confusion.

"Why on earth does that matter?" Newt half chuckled through his furrowed eyebrows.

"What? When I'm running this damn maze everyday, I at least like to do it in style." Minho sassed, skimming his fingers over his quiff of dark hair.

Victoria laughed, shaking her head as the doors started opening, "You look great. Knock them Grievers dead."

"Cheers, Vicky." He grinned, bouncing on the balls of his feet and Newt was quick to pat his friends on their shoulders and wish them luck a moment before they both sprinted through the gap between the walls.

Biting down on her lip, Victoria could sense Newt's hesitance and she quickly grabbed his hand. "Hey," He looked down at her and allowed his bones to slacken a little. "They'll be fine. This is Minho and Alby, they can take care of themselves."

"You're right," The blonde agreed with her statement, following her as she started walking towards the Kitchen. Admiring her along the way, he noticed the rosy tint painting the tip of her nose, due to the cold air. The way her thick curls moved to the rhythm of the breeze and her pale lips which reminded him of their first kiss yesterday.

"You're staring." She hummed without looking back, keeping her gaze ahead of them.

"I know."

"Why are you staring?"

"Because you're beautiful." Victoria felt herself blush at Newt's words, and her lips curved up shyly. It was nice that the two of them were finally being open with each other about their feelings, and like the boy, she couldn't stop thinking about their kiss. She hated that she ruined the moment by letting Carl poison her thoughts, during a moment that was supposed to be special.

The pair entered the hut and Newt watched her start prepping breakfast. She knew Frypan would be up to help her soon enough, since the two of them had to often wake up earlier to have the food ready for the Gladers before they started working. "Can I help with anything?" The sandy blonde offered kindly.

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