Chapter 1.

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Martinus pov.

,,What wrong with u? Always when i am around u run away! Why? Something wrong?"

,,No.. Just leave me alone.."

,,No i won't do that,u are my other half,u need to tell me what is going on!" He said as he slowly pushed me at wall in our room.

,,Tell me.." He said with slowly voice.

,,I-I can-t-t.." i said bc i am scared,scared of him,what he gonna say,or what he gonna do.

,,Why? Tell me." he said with soft voice but still i can't tell him,he will probably leave me and be angry,sad,dissapointed.

,,Because u gonna leave me then and-" he cut me off

,,Wait wait wait.. I am your twin,i can't leave u,never! U are my other half,if i leave,what i will not do,it's going to be like i leave and lost half of myself." he said that with such a cute voice,i wanna kiss him right now,but i can't. He is my brother.

,,But if i say u this u will leave,i know." I say and run into our bathroom.

I go to Sink and put arms on Sink and looked down. I feel something wet on my cheeks. Tears. I looked myself into mirror and word just was in my mind "he is gonna leave me!" "he will be dissapointed at u!" "u will be over! Forver!!" I decided. I will not tell him,i can't have him now,but if i tell him,he is just gonna leave and that will be worst,if he leave then i even can't go and see him. This is best,for me,for him... For us. Tears keep falling i just wiped them but then come more.. This will be my secret. This is best,for us..

Hellooo guysss!! I hope u like this part and if u wanna me to conute vote and comment! I made this story bc of my new friend,weeelll she is more like internet bestie to me but yeahh hehe enjoy!


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