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It was 05: 25 in the morning.

Jungkook woke up to a noise glistering from the outside of the tent. He sleepily made his way outside only to find a sleeping jimin curled up in a ball in the blazing wind"seriously does this guy sleep through anything "jungkook muttered before picking the sleeping boy up.

" Woaw...finally I can sleep"he said before tripping to the back with jimin in his arms"shit..i really don't that the energy to move him off "so he fell asleep

Jimin held onto jungkook like a koala bear snuggling against jungkooks chest causing the younger to stir in his sleep and eventually waking up. He remembered what an idiot he was for tripping with jimin in his arms whilst lacing his fingers through the princes soft hair. 

Jimin leaned into jungkooks touch so much as nuzzling his nose in the crook of jungkooks neck taking in jungkooks scent  before finally waking up,jungkook removed his fingers from jimins hair placing his hands behind his head as he continued to watch jimin.

Jimin sat up rubbing his eyes looking like a cute squishy subconsciously straddling jungkooks hips in the process. When he no longer felt sleepy he looked down staring back at jungkook realizing their position he turned as red as a tomato maybe even redder

" Good morning jimin...you slept well i assume"jungkook said smirking" "Uh y...yeah" Jimin answered nervously before reality hit him he was STILL straddling jungkook and he jumped off him"l.I have to go uh make me something to eat do you want anything what am I saying make your own"and he rushed outside the tent

Jungkook couldn't help himself as he turned into fits of laughter jimins face was priceless.

"We should leave soon if you wanna still get married " Jungkook said popping his face outside the tent " Just wait a minute... I wanna have fun before my life becomes serious" Jimin said eating his ramen "have some...i took the liberty of making it so eat" Jimin said as he gave a bowl of ramen to jungkook "well I'm not gonna say no " Jungkook said stepping out of the tent touching jimin hand slightly before taking the bowl.

"so I was wandering... How come you've been a slave before"jimin said taking a huge spoon of noodles"so the prince takes note" he said nodding his head

"I do, so don't underestimate me mister...now are you gonna answer my question" Jimin said raising an eyebrow "It's not really a secret...my parents gave me up when i was just a kid " Jimin stopped eating taking ahold of jungkooks hand making the other smile "I was the youngest among the children that were sold..we were tortured and humiliated the doing the littlest things...and one day a fire was started and they left us behind to defend ourselves...i..i never felt the need to live until that happened I was afraid to die so I fought my way through....the rest never made it through I passed out right after....by the time I woke up I was on a bed in France and they taught me everything I know now "

"I'm so sorry....i couldn't imagine" Jimin said as he teared up"of course how could you...it was a long time ago " "I.. I know I just thought you could need some... "Out of nowhere jumbo jumper in between them " We should pack and leave though"jimin said scratching the back of his head.

Prince Jimin And Knight And Shinning Joen JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now