09. nine

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09. nine


Lilian de Vera was engrossed in the book she was reading. She was seated at the cafe she normally went to, her head tilted to the side, coming into contact with the beige wallpaper of the cafe.

Her eyes were following the words on the page, making a visualized map in her head, connecting words with theories and imagining the particular situation. Her hand was poised on the upper corner of the page, tickling the bent edge of the parchment as she swiftly turned the next page.

She stopped reading for a while and sighed, looking up at the ceiling to crane her neck a bit. Her cappuccino was still warm and untouched. She reached for it, drinking the warm liquid as the foam made contact with her mouth.

The warmness of it helped soothe her body a bit, the tips of her fingers now turning from cold to room temperature due to the contact with the hot cup. She tugged on the sleeves of her peach sweater, covering her wrists.

Despite the heater at it's work, Lilian still found the place to be cold, hence, why she was wearing an abundance of sweaters the past few days. She reached up for her pony tail and undid the knot, letting her coffee colored strands fall softly onto her shoulders, stopping at her collarbone.

Satisfied with the temperature, she resumed back to reading her book, her mind locked together with the main character of the tale they were weaving.

She was interrupted by the swift sound of a chair pulling out in front of her, her eyes leaving the unread pages and coming into contact with ocean blue eyes.

I know those eyes anywhere.

"Aiden." She crisply stated, annoyance lacing her tone.

He smirked, throwing his palm under his jaw for support, keeping his ocean blue gaze locked with hers. "Lilian." He mused.

"What are you doing? Last time I checked, I told you I wasn't interested in being friends with you."

"Yes, I recall, your exact words being 'fuck off'"

She shut her book loudly, giving him her undivided attention. She smiled sweetly but her eyes were glossed over with venom and hate.

"Then please abide by it and fuck off. Go away and–have fun with Coco."

His eyes widened, his mouth now agape. He stayed silent for a few minutes, mulling over what to say to that. He tilted his head down, his arrogance fading away at the speed of light.

"I'm sorry."

"You already said that."

"Well I want you to accept it."

"Sorry doesn't cut it. It may not seem like a big deal to other people but it is for me."

"That's why I'm throwing away my fucking pride for you! And telling you that I'm fucking sorry!"

She paused. "Look, I need to go. Bye Aiden."

Lilian got up, grabbing her phone and book as she sauntered out of the cafe, leaving her cappuccino and a boy whose heart, he didn't know why, felt like last semester all over again.


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