Small Talk

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After a long day of traveling around the city, she was back in her room. In an hour she was going to meet the owner of the casino. She had enough time to get into the shower and get ready.

Kayla was staring at a blank surface, herself. It was time to become "Karoline". Like always her hand reached for her favorite lipstick. Thinking about it twice, she decided to ditch it. It was not screaming Karoline. With every makeup product she used, it served the purpose to conceal her face, she was one step closer to becoming Karoline. She was viewing the end product in the mirror: platinum blonde hair, pink lipstick, a black skin tight dress and a pair of designer heels.

She noticed how her posture had changed. It was a whole lot better than her own. Kayla took a long look at Karoline and stepped out of the room.

Roy was just entering his hotel room as Kayla exited. He did not recognize Kayla at first, but the platinum hair gave it away. Not recognizing her was one of the reasons why she was a good fit for the job. Each time she created a new persona, a new character, who took over her body and with each assignment the people she created were getting more and more different. Kayla was truly something special.

Few streets away, Karoline was sitting face to face with the owner of the casino. He was wearing a clean white suit. It was clear that he gave a lot of attention to his looks, maybe a little too much for a man that was happily married.

A waiter came to their table to hand them theirs over priced coffee. They thanked the waiter and continued their conversation.

"Were your people able to find anything on the man that stole my friends bag?" Karoline asked him.

"They checked the footage over and over again. The man is like a superhero. He was so fast, that the camera did not get a clear shot of his face. Whoever he is, he is a professional," he replied.

"That's horrible, there was a lot of money in there. We were hoping to have fun here in this beautiful city of casinos and we loose our money on the first night. It is all a nightmare," she hid her face behind her hands, doing her best to seem upset.

"It's alright. We will find the man, who destroyed your holiday! Let's talk about something else to get our mind of this terrifying event! Tell me something about you," a smirk formed on his face. He was flirting with her. This was going to be interesting.

Karoline played along. Creating the bond made her understand the victim more. She was a little upset that a pretty face like his was going to be lying 6 feet under the ground, but she was getting paid. 


Crazy what people would do for money, huh? Oh well, luckily this is just a book! :) 

4. Question: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

For me it has always been Hawaii, because I love the sun, the beach and I really want to learn how to surf. 

Thank you, once again, for reading "Hitman & Co". Please don't forget to vote, comment and share if you liked the chapter. It would make me very happy! :**

All the love xx

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