Drink Up

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Wes opened the door to his ginormous mansion. Karoline's eyes almost jumped out of her skull and her jaw dropped to the floor as she saw the big marble stairs, the diamond chandler, which was twice of her size, and the huge bunch of flowers fitted into a vase sitting on a table in the middle of the room. That door was closed. 

This is how princesses must feel like, Karoline thought to herself.  This house could fit a whole village in it. Correction, every room in this mansion could fit a whole entire village! It was her main reason why she hated these big houses, they took too much space and while these rich people were showering in their money, people are starving and drinking water that looked like dirt.

Walking into this building gave her a mixed feeling of love and hate. It was beautiful, too beautiful in fact.

Wes informed her he was going to bring her bags into the bedroom. She followed him up the shiny stairs to the room. It was dark red. A bathroom was connected to the bedroom, where Wes was going to take a bath. According to him, his day was awfully long and a handful of customers gave him a hard time.

After he disappeared into the bathroom, leaving Karoline alone in the mansion. Wes taking a bath meant she had time to have a tour of the house.

She passed through bedrooms, bathrooms, a gym and a theater. They even had their own popcorn machine, which she was definitely going to take advantage of.

One of the room looked very inviting. It was shining white and  organised from head to toe. By the small collection of nail polishes on the small table near the wall, it became clear this was not Wes's office, but his wives.

The wife seemed to be a clean freak, each and every surface was spotless, even the books on the shelf that looked like no one had read them in ages, and of course the industrial sized bottle of sanitizer. Karoline wasn't even aware that those were sold to the public. 

She checked her surrounding before taking a seat on the beige leather chair. Her hands traveled over the fabric, sending shivers down her spine. The room was awfully bright even though it did not have a window in it. There were two couches in the room, parallel from each other. One of them was created as a small bed, covered with a light blanket and a fluffy pillow. Wes's wife must have spent her nights in her own office. Interesting. 

His wife had shining blonde hair curly and her eyes were blue like the ocean, her smile youthful, even though time had caught up with her and placed a few wrinkles near her eyes and mouth when she smiled. All of this information Karoline got from the picture of her and her husband on her desk. She imagined her broken heart looking at this picture every day, wondering she could have done to keep him happy and leave the mistress.

But now she was a part of it. Karoline had found a way to get into his life and she did not realize she was going to see a marriage shatter before her eyes. Maybe once Wes was gone, his wife would find a man, who would treat her the way she should be.

A loud buzzing started in one of the drawers of the desk. Karoline's hands covered her chest, as she slowly recovered from the shock. Her eyes were fixed on the drawer, hoping it would stop soon. She did not like the idea snooping around in the drawers of other people. Her imagination went wild. 

Could it be a burner phone that the wife left behind? Why in the world would she need a burner anyway? Theories started running in her mind, but nothing added up. The loud sound drove her crazy and made her uncomfortable. Her hand slowly traveled to the drawer. With a swing the drawer was open.

"What in the name of...," Karoline gasped for air.

It was not a burner. No, it was even worse! A vibrator! She was terrified of it doing its job on the wood. Not to mention, she was the person who had to turn it off. Her gag reflexes went on overdrive, as she looked for the off switch on the vibrator. With a fast motion she turned it off and silence filled the room again. She sighed of relief.

Karoline felt like she had seen too much of this room so she went back into the bedroom to see if Wes was still in the bathtub. The door of the bathroom was open by a crack. She did not remember him leaving the door open. She called out his name. No reply.

With hard steps, she sprinted into the bathroom. There he was in the bath passed out with a glass of whiskey in his left hand.


Thank you again for reading this far, I would give you a hug. *virtual hug* cuz thats the only possible way, sheesh, why am i such a dork? 

You know the drill, another chapter another Question (5): on the topic of artists, what is your favourite song at the moment? 

In case you are looking for a song to get obsessed with take a listen at "Figures" by Jessie Reyez.

Don't forget to comment, vote and share, if you enjoyed the chapter! 

All the love xxx

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