Game Over

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A/N: Hello! Hopefully, you are having a great day! Usually, I have the A/N at the end of the chapter, but for this time I wanted to have it before the chapter starts. For the past weeks, I have been very busy with Uni. Some of you will think: "Those excuses!", but Uni is not all that rainbow and unicorns. For me, I am studying sociology and psychology, which means for every lecture I am drowned in literature. While it sounds like a dream to many of you, I mean you are basically on the internet or on your phone, not watching a video, but reading a book, it is quite hard compared to your regular book.

I don't want you to think that I am giving up on this book because I am 100% not. My time management has never been one of the best, it still isn't and I am probably the biggest procrastinator. There are many things I have to work on, but that will take time.

Now before I try to make myself look better and say "hey, lets update double just to make it up to the readers" I just physically can't. As much as I love writing and I love people reading my book, my main focus at the moment are my studies. I chose this path and I am not gonna be a quitter!

This means I will be updating this book bit by bit. It might take me only a week, in the worst case a month or more to update. But I will do my best to keep the story alive. From my plan this book is soon coming to an end, meaning after the last chapter, I will be revising each and every chapter to bring it to it's the best potential.

ANYWHOOOO, enjoy this chapter and till next time! kisses

Kayla sat in the storage room tapping her foot hectically. She looked at the walls, looking at the picture of Wes. Anger filled her body as flashbacks of Roy and a SWAT- team storming in clouded her thoughts. She had never been this close to getting the secrets out of him. Who did Roy think he was?

Roy walked into the room offering a cup of coffee. Kayla didn't even look up, treating Roy as if he was air. He sighed loudly and looked at the picture of Wes and then Kayla, whose eyes were glued to the picture. Was she having feelings for that monster?

"You can't talk to me for the rest of your life," Roy tried to break the silence. Like before Kayla did not react. Annoyed Roy leaned against a table and waited for the detectives to arrive. He wondered what was going in her mind. Kayla was visibly mad at him, but did she not realize all that he did was just to protect her?

The two detectives walked in joining the silence in the room. Confused they looked at Roy, hoping he could tell them why Kayla silent and steaming in anger.

"She is ignoring me," Roy said quietly.

"For a hitman, you are pretty pathetic! I think you should know," Dave smiled. He walked over to Kayla standing right in front of her. Her attention was now drawn to him.

"Wes is in the interrogation room, not talking. Do you want to give it a go?" Dave asked.

"Go and ask him for answers that we would have had by now if you and your team didn't show up? No, thank you, sir! You and your team can figure it out yourself, after all, you are the authorities," she proceeds to glare at him.

"Alright....," the detective turned away and shrugged his shoulders as if all the hope was lost.

"Are you serious Dave? You are giving up this easily?" Klara was disappointed in his partner.

"Maybe she is right. He was going to tell her everything. We blew it," he scratched the back of his head and took a seat next to Roy.

"So... we are just going to leave her here to stare holes into the walls?" Roy wondered taking a sip from his coffee and offering the other one to the detective.

"To be honest, I don't have the slightest clue of what to do next," he answered accepting the coffee.

"Who is the pathetic one now, huh," a smile formed on Roy's face.

Klara walked over to Kayla trying her best to get a reaction from her. She stared at the woman noticing her angry but sad facial features. Klara gave the men a signal to leave the room. After a little hesitation, they exited the room one by one.

"Kayla, you need to talk to me," she said quietly and calmingly.

"I don't have to do sh*t," she replied.

"Look, I know you are mad, but we, well Roy, was trying to protect you."

"What in the world makes you think that I need to be protected? I have done everything right and straightened out every mistake I have made. This close and Wes would have told me everything. But no, you and your fancy SWAT-team come barging in with your killing machines and drag him out of the room. Not to mention, I was also dragged out of the room. Do I look like an animal to you?"

"Not in the slightest. We were worried about you. You are under our protection and we couldn't let anything happen to you."

"Under your protection? You are a babysitter too?"

"No, not babysitters. Even though I am quite positive it would be easier to look after a class of crying kids than to always keep an eye on you," the detective laughed to herself.

Kayla rolled her eyes. She was tempted to dare the detective to look after a class of crying children, but she held her tongue. She looked at the picture of Wes again. Why was she so drawn to him? He was a big mystery.

"We are going to keep Wes in observation for the next 48 hours. If we don't get a confession out of him, we will have to take it to court and let the judges decide. I hope you know that if Wes cooperates his sentence will be reduced. For now, you can take a rest, you are not needed anymore. Feel free to step by the bureau any time," with those words Klara walked out of the room, leaving Kayla in silence. 

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