Power On

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Previously on Naruto: Power Rangers Dino Thunder.

Just as they were finishing up there food. They got a call for Kakashi on there bracelets.

"Come in Kakashi sensei" Naruto said.

"Rangers your needed down at the west side gate there are monsters and your zords running a muk over here" Kakashi said.

They had just finished paying and went down an alley.

"Ready guys lets do" Naruto said as the team nodded around him.

"Dino Thunder Power Up Ha" they all yelled.

They made there way to the west gate there they saw 3 of there 4 Zords.

Everyone was running away so know one noticed Kakashi there giving the rangers advise.

"Naruto Tenten and Lee you must get your Zords under control use your Morphers to communicate your thoughts to them" Kakashi said.

All the nodded and ran off towards their Zords. Leaving Kakashi and Neji left to fight these experiments.

"Neji use you weapon its in your belt" Kakashi said.

"Right" Neji's belt glowed then shot out his weapon. "Drago sword" then used it special attack " Laser Arrows" Neji said. As all the arrows hit it's mark.

Kabuto watched from a near by roof as these kids were beating his lords

With Naruto ,Lee and Tenten

"There huge " Lee said

"Wow there so cool" Naruto said.

"Woow down boy I'm your friend" Lee said as his morpher glowed and so did the Tricera-zord as it was now under Lee's control.

All three celebrated at Lee getting he zord under control.

"Okay my turn Ptera-zord. We can be friends right" Tenten said as her morpher glowed so did her Zord as it was under her power.

More cheers were herd as Tenten controlled her zord.

"Okay buddy come on were a team Tyranno-zord " Naruto yelled as he controlled his zord.

All three cheered as there teammates appeared to them.

"Good work rangers" Kakashi said.

"Were not threw yet "as the thought to be dead experiment now called Wind breaker.

Wind breaker put a pill in his mouth and grew to be 300 feet tall.

" One Last thing to do... Bring your zords together" Kakashi said.

Naruto Tenten and Lee jumped in to there zords. Inside there own colored spheres popped up.

"Logging in" Tenten said.

"Combined power" they all said together. As all three zords came together to form the Thundersaurus Megazord.

"Okay guys lets finish this" Naruto said.

"Dino drill engage" the yelled as the right arm of the Thundersaurus Megazord was the tail from the Tyranno-zord. It started spinning.

The Megazord starting running at the experiment and destroyed it.

A hour later team 7 was at there training ground. When Kakashi-sensei came to congratulate his team on a job well done.

"You guy's did great you should be proud of your selfs. Im taking you guys out for dinner don't worry I already talked to your family's so know going to be out.

You guy's just entered a bigger world but don't worry I will explain everything later. So why do you go home and dress up to look your best. Meet me back here at 730pm" Kakashi said before flickering away.


Naruto went to meet Tenten at her house. Naruto was wearing black dress pants with a red dress shirt. He knocked on the door and waited.

Not long after the door opened revealing Dustin Tenten's father.

"So your the kid who is dating my daughter" Dustin asked.

"Yes sir she is also my teammate as well. " Naruto said.

Dustin nodded his head understanding that he and his daughter were teammates.

"Okay kid I'm going to give you the run down. I know who your mothers are. So I know a lot about you. I know your mothers raised you right. But I have to say it any way.

You hurt my daughter and I'll hurt you. As you know I run the best weapon stores in the land of fire. I also know how to use everyone of those weapons and will do so on anyone who hurts my daughter got it" Dustin asked.

"Yes sir I would never. I was raised to respect all women. If I didn't my mother and my Ma would kill me" Naruto replied

"Well now that we got that out of the way. Come on in she will be down shortly" Dustin replied.

Naruto nodded and came inside. He sat on the couch and waited for Tenten to finish getting ready.

After a few mins Tenten came down stairs in a silk yellow dress that came down to her knees. Her hair was still up in her panda buns with silver hair sticks in them.

"You-you look amazing Tenten" Naruto said.

"Thanks you look really good too. Well dad Ill be back later. Were having a team diner with Kakashi-sensei" Tenten said.

She said goodbye her father. Then her and Naruto left. When they were head to meet at there training ground.

"My Dad didn't try to scare you did he" Tenten asked.

"No he just talked about his store. Your dad is really nice" Naruto repiled.

Soon they got to there training ground. They were the first to arrive. Lee was the next to arrive.

"See Lee you look fine in blue" Tenten smiled.

Lee was wearing dark blue dress pants with light blue dress shirt. "Thank you very much you are very youthful" Lee said.

Then Neji approached them "Hey you guys still waiting on Kakashi-sensei" Neji said.

Neji was wearing white dress pants and a white dress shirt.

"Yep just waiting Kakashi-sensei" Naruto said.

"I hope he doesn't make us wait all night" Tenten said.

Kakashi was making his way to meet his team. When he was hit in the back and knocked out.

As Kabuto and a few of his henchmen grabbed him and teleported away"

After a an hour or two the gang started using there communicator

"Kakashi-sensei come in Kakashi-sensei" Naruto repeated over and over.

Dam it where is he im getting cold out here" Tenten said.

Naruto channeled chakra in to his wrist as a red hoodie popped out of a seal. He handed his hoodie to Tenten.

"Thank you Naruto" she replied as she kissed him on his cheek the she put on his hoodie.

"Where do you think sensei is" Lee asked.

"Im not sure " Neji replied.

Then as they were standing at the training ground. They saw a flash of light then they were teleported away.

Naruto Power Rangers Dino ThunderWhere stories live. Discover now