The Chase

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The brights lights of the oncoming car dazed him, but he didn't stop chasing his quarry. He pushed off of the asphalt, ignoring the squealing tires behind him, and leapt across the stream running parallel to the country road. The road ended at the beach and no one lived along this stretch as it was part of a national park. It was rare to have any traffic this late at night, especially in the winter, but this was only a passing thought as he raced into the woods.

    The rain would turn freezing in the next hour or so, but the guard hairs on the outer layer of his coat kept him dry, while the thick undercoat would keep him warm even in temperatures well below zero degrees. If the intruder thought to use the elements to his advantage, he'd be sorely disappointed. Raff had been born into a Northern pack during the depths of winter; he'd thrived in the snow and cold long before he'd embraced the ice in his soul.

He stopped long enough to sniff the wind, an image of a his prey flashing through his mind as he caught his scent. He was a wolf of average size, nothing to concern an Alpha, and his dark coat marked him as a member of the Starless Pack. Bunch of cowards.

Raff contemplated which direction to go. Despite his ability to maintain the chase in these conditions, he'd prefer to be at home, near his pack. This needed to end. Ears pricked forward, he started to change directions, planning to cut him off, but his sensitive hearing picked up another sound. A woman pleading, her voice quivering, either from fear or cold, at this distance, he couldn't be sure.

"Help.". He shook his head and readied himself to sprint away. "Please."


Turning back towards the road, he raised his snout to release a haunting howl. A warning to the wolf he'd been chasing. Tonight he escaped. One day soon, he would pay. Raff slowed when he reached the stream. Typically, this space was considered to be a ditch, but heavy rains turned it into a powerful source of running water. His ears flattened against his head in irritation when the unnatural light of a car blinded him again, and the wolfish instincts controlling him urged him to hide from the oncoming car.

As his eyes adjusted, he realized the car wasn't moving; instead, it was passenger side down in the water. Creeping forward, he turned his ears forward again. The woman's voice had gone quiet, but he could hear the stuttering thud of her heart. It's just a human. If you save her now, she's still going to die. Another day. Another accident. Pointless.

Shaking out his fur, he prepared to leave, but he couldn't stop himself from peering through the windshield. Only to rush forward as twin pinpricks of turquoise light pierced the darkness within the car, highlighting the most exquisite face he'd ever seen. A face with lips curving into a smile just as the seething waters swallowed her.

Growling, he burst into his human form, gray and white fur floating in the air as he raced to the vehicle and ripped the door away. Raff grabbed the woman and pulled. When she didn't budge, he allowed his hands to shift partially and raked them across the seatbelt holding her captive. She surfaced easily when he pulled again.

Dark hair was plastered to her pallid face. With one hand he held her tight to his bare chest while he used the other to clear her face. With those odd eyes closed, she looked like a normal human girl, albeit a beautiful one. A thin wound ran across her forehead. It was beginning to bleed freely now that she was free of the water.

Raff frowned. She was still too stiff even though her body temperature should be rising with her snuggled against him. Dropping to his knees, he placed her on the asphalt and began compressions on her chest. Counting to thirty, he stopped and pressed his lips against hers and delivered two rescue breaths. Repeat. Repeat. Each time, her lips felt warmer against his, but still she didn't breathe.

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