CHAPTER 12: They meet again...

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Chapter 12: They meet again...

Hermione's POV

Finally! I finally get to see Fred! I thought as I walk, with my parents, through Diagon Alley to get my supplies. We decide to go into Floursish and blotts were I find the Weasleys and Harry.

They didnt see mewalk in so i take my chance with scaring them. I slowly walk up behind the twins and say, "Its a weasley!" In a voice that sounded very close to Draco's.

They spun around with looks of anger; When they see me there anger turns to pure happiness.

"'MIONE! Oh I can't believe it's you! You look amazing!" Fred said picking me up and spinning me.

"Fred! I missed you so much! And you haven't changed a bit," I said hugging back.

"I missed you more," He whispers in my ear making me slightly blush.

"Am I invisible?" I heard George say behind Fred; His arms were open; a gesture for me to hug him.

I giggle, "No George! It's great to see you," I said giving him a hug.

Fred's POV

"Have any of ya'll seen Harry?" 'Mione asks.

"Yeah! He's here somewhere. He got lost in the floo network." I tell her.

Dad was talking to Mr. and Mrs. Granger about muggles, while mum waited in line to get the book by Gilderoy Lockhart. 'Mione walked outside and glided in a few minutes later with Harry next to her.

Just then, Gilderoy Lockhart came in and every witch was clapping, even 'Mione.

A man was taking pictures of him; When he notices Harry, he pulls him  in for some pictures. Lockhart then gave Harry his full collection of the books he had written and announces that he would be teaching at Hogwarts this year! George, Ron, and I all moan with discust.

Mum tells us to wait outside. When we get ouside I notice Draco malfoy walking over to us.

"I'll bet you loved that, didn't you Potter? Famous Harry Potter!" He snarles.

"Leave him alone!" Ginny warns him.

"Oh look Potter. You've got yourself a girlfriend." he smirks.

A man with similar looks as Draco walks up."Now, now Draco, play nicely... Mr. Potter," He holds out his hand, "Lucius Malfoy. We've met at last." He pulls Harry to him and admires his scar. "Forgive me, your scar is legend, as, of course, is the wizard who gave it to you."

"Voldemort killed my parent," Harry said making us all flinch, "He's nothing more than a murderer." He finishes

"Hmm. You must be very brave, to mention his name...or very foolish."

"Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself." 'Mione states. He glares at her and I take a step fowards so that I stand right next to 'Mione.

"And you must be, Miss Granger I presume," He said glancing at malfoy who was nodding.

"Parents are muggles, aren't they?" He said glancing at her parents who were still talking to my dad. He makes me want to punch him for looking at her parents that way.

Dad then notices Lucius and heads are way. "Lucius," he says with a slight nod.

"Busy time at the Ministry, Arthur, all those extra raids? I do hope they're paying you overtime, but judging by the state of this, I'd say not. What's the use in being a disgrace to the 'name of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it." he said making me want to punch him even more.

"We have a very different idea about what disgraces the name of wizards, Malfoy."

"Clearly. Associating with Muggles... and I thought your family could sink no lower. I'll see you at work." he said as Malfoy said, "see you at school."

"Come on kids. Molly is done with the books. We should head back home. Lovely meeting you Hermione, and you're parents." Dad said while saying good bye to 'Mione and heads to the door with mum by his side.

"Bye 'Mione. See you tomorrow on the train?"I ask her.

"Yup. See you tomorrow Fred," She said hugging me goodbye and saying farewell to the others.

Hey guys!! This is all i have written so far I have 3 more days of school and then i should be posting weekly! So please comment! The next chapter will be dedicated to whoever comments first!!!

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