CHAPTER 9: back at hogwarts

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Hey guys… Hope you like this chapter… Little short but I hope it's okay… I do not own harry Potter… Please review.

Chapter 9 back at hogwarts

Fred' POV

She's finally coming! I miss her so much! I thought going outside to the entrance to wait for 'Mione with George. A carriage shows up and a few people I know from Ravenclaw step out. I throw my hands up in the air. Where is she!

"Fred? Are you okay?" George asks me.

"Yeah… Just can't wait to see 'Mione!" I said as a carriage pulls up. A bushy haired bookworm comes out of it. I run and give her a big hug.

Hermione's POV

I step out of the carriage and a familiar redhead envelops me in a huge hug.

"Fred I missed you so much!!" I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"What am I? Invisible?" I hear George say behind me.

I pull away from Fred, noticing the look he gave his twin.

"No of course not George!"I said and give him a hug.

"So what are we going to do now that we know who Nicholas Flamel is?"Fred asks.

"Well that is what I needed to tell you guys in private," I said going into the common Room.

"Harry!" I yell and give him a huge hug.

Ron, Harry, George, Fred and I sit down by the fire.

"So when Harry, Ron and I went to one of the dungeons after the troll incident… Harry said that Snape was bleeding on his ankle, and thought he was the one who set the troll off. So we found the locked Dungen and entered it. After I unlocked it we  found a three headed dog- one of his paws was a door. After the first Quidditch match, we told Hagrid about the dog and Snape. He asked us how we knew about Fluffy and also said the only other people who knew about it was Dumbledore and Flamel. Then we found out who Flamel is and so.. now we are going to find the sorcerers Stone." I finish.

"Can we go looking for it, too?"Fred and George ask me.

I hesitate before mumbling,"I think it would be best if it was just me, Ron and harry who went."

"WHAT!" Fred yells and jumps up.

"I think if we all went it would make people suspicious,"I tell him as calmly as I could.

"We're not just going to let you go by yourself," He states- still furious.

"I won't be… I'll be with Ron and harry," I tell him mustering a smile.

He looks at me pleadingly, "Please 'Moine" he begs.

"I'm sorry Fred...I don't want you to get hurt.." I say as the twins storm to their dormitory.

I look at a shocked Ron and Harry, "we're going tomorrow" I mumble before going to my dormitory and going to sleep.

**hides under pillow** don't be mad at me for not letting Fred and George go with them to find the sorcerers stone...I wanted Fred to get really worried so he could ... Well you'll find out...leave a review on things you would like to see happen...thanks for reading.

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