CHAPTER 1: The Beginning

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Hermiones POV

I slowly walk through the walkways looking for a compartment that didn't have a lot of people, so I could finish my book. I sigh, its difficult because all the ones I have pasted were full. After a few minutes I find one occupied with a boy with ginger hair and blue eyes; he looks to be about 13.

"Excuse me? Do you mind? All the others are full" I ask him after opening the compartment door.

"Not at all," he answers with a smile.

"Thanks," I smile as I sit down across from him, "My name's Hermione. Hermione Granger."

"Fred. Fred Weasley. Nice to meet you Miss Granger," He said offering me his hand.

"Nice to Meet you Fred," I shake his hand.

"I haven't seen you 'round here. You a first year?" he asks.

"Yup!" I say; a little too loud.

Just as im about to say something a boy who looks exactly like Fred shows up.

"Hey Gred!" he says fired up and thrilled. "Lee brought a giant tarantula! Lets go!" He motions for Fred to follow before spotting me. "'ello. I'm George Weasley. I guess you made friends with my twin, Fred." He said winking at Fred.

"I'm Hermione Granger and I guess I did," I smile.

"Lee has a tarantula?" Fred asks.

"Ya! So lets go and see it!" he practically yells as he runs out the door.

Fred stands up, "Well it was nice meeting you Hermione, I guess I'll see ya 'round," he walks to the door. "I hope you get into Gryffindor! So I can show you 'round" he says before smiling and leaving.

I smile. Fred seems really sweet! I thought before opening my book and reading.

Freds POV

I like Hermione. She seems pretty cool. I really hope she gets into Gryffindor. I thought as I walk down the walkway with Forge. He looks over at me and raises an eyebrow, "So your going to show Hermione around Hogwarts? You must be very excited."

"Whatever Forge," I mutter under my breath.

Once we make it to Lees compartment we sit in front of him and watch his tarantula and chatted a bit. After awhile George said, "So Fred over here made himself a new girly friend and I think he might fancy her!"

"GEORGE! I just met Hermione and were just friends" I said  annoyed with George.

"Then why bother to remember her name." he stats matter-of-factly.

"Because she seems cool and….." I cut off mid sentence.

"Whatever you say Gred" he smiles and leans into his seat.

"So," Lee starts, "This Hermione girl, is she pretty?" He said laughing.

"I'm going to go change into my robes!" I said walking out of the compartment; quickly.

Hermione's POV

I wonder if Hogwarts is as beautiful as it says in Hogwarts: A History. I thought, Well I better go change into my dress robes before the train stops.

When I was done changing, I start tp walk back to my compartment when I run into someone and fall on my butt.

"oh! I'm so sorry!" I apologize and look up to find Fred looking back at me.

"Hello Hermione! Didn't mean to run into you!" he said offering me his hand, smiling.

"hi-ya Fred," I  take his hand and he helps me to my feet. "How was your friends tarantula?"

"It was good until George started getting annoying. So I came to change my dress robes early."

I giggle, "Well I guess I should be getting to my compartment. Bye Fred!" I turn and start towards my compartment. Before I reach my compartment I hear Fred behind me.

"Hey Hermione!" he yells as he catches up to where I am standing. "Just wanted to tell you ill be saving a spot for you at the Gryffindor table."

I blush, "Thank you Fred." He's so nice! I thought

"'Welcome," he says reaching over and opening my compartment door. "See you later , 'mione," he winks and walks off; leaving me blushing.

I sit down in my compartment and pull out my book. I daydream about my new life at Hogwarts.

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