A guy that I'd kinda be into.

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conducive to or characterized by the expression of love.


"(Y/N), get up! You're going to be late for school!" Her mother yelled from down the hallway. (Y/N) groaned and groggily pulled herself up to a sitting position, her back cracking in a few assorted ways.

She practically rolled out of bed, almost falling to the ground and landing on her butt in the process.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Jeremy found himself stretching himself - the SQUIP telling him how and which ways so that he would appear muscular, of course. Jeremy was thankful for the SQUIP.

This was not a good thing - even if Jeremy thought it was. He began to rely on the SQUIP to even tell him when to shower, when to speak, et cetera. He didn't know the damage he was slowly causing - to himself and the people around him.

Because he had unknowingly been avoiding Michael. Optic nerve blocking, as the SQUIP called it, fuzzed him out of Jeremy's vision - along with Christine, even though she was an absolute doll.

The SQUIP didn't tell Jeremy that they were gone, of course, so he didn't notice. Michael and Christine, though, were very upset by the fact Jeremy only appeared to see (Y/N) anymore - and not in the usual way.

(Y/N) did the best she could to comfort her friends, but they still missed hanging out with Jeremy. Christine and Michael were much closer to him then (Y/N), who had just learned his name this year.

Despite this, though, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a strange attraction to the lanky boy - like something similar to a magnet was pulling her in, begging her to learn more about him and his strange ways.

Sadly, though, (Y/N) had her sights set on someone else - Jake. Ever since their 'date' at the mall, she had found herself simply blushing at the mention of him, and the duo would hang out much more often.

So, to sum things up, everything was going to hell.


Jeremy sat in the drama class after school, waiting for play rehearsal students to arrive - he was the first one there, per usual.

"Jeremy, straighten your posture." The SQUIP reminded, threatening another zap down his spine. Jeremy cringed at the thought and fixed how he was standing - god, how had he not picked it up by now?

"Jeremy!" A feminine voice called from the other side of the room - he would have checked to see who it was, but he couldn't. This was all because Chloe and her 'posse' suddenly blocked the door, and the source of the voice.

"You're (Y/N), right?" Chloe said in a mockingly sweet voice to the girl at the door. (Y/N) nodded hesitantly, gripping the straps of her backpack. She didn't have anything against Chloe, and Brooke seemed sweet - they were just so damn intimidating!

"Is this the one who's been hooking up with Jake? Jenna Rolan said she saw them at the mall together yesterday!" Her smaller blonde companion piped up. Chloe shushed her promptly and glare down (Y/N) with a fake smile on her lips.

"I just thought you'd like to know that Jake is not coming to play rehearsal." She fawned sweetness and sincerity. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow before replying.

"Oh, is he sick?" (Y/N) inquired, a face of concern gracing her pretty features. Chloe shook her head and stuck out her bottom lip in a pout.

"He's at swim team - or whatever it is this week. You know Jake.. switching from one thing.." Chloe murmured, gesturing to Brooke. "To another." She completed, now pointing to (Y/N), who had an irritated expression.

"We're just friends!" She suddenly burst out to the popular girls, then squeezed past them and approached Jeremy.

"Dude, is this seat taken?" She asked him.

"No." He and the SQUIP said in unison. (Y/N) smiled halfway, then sat herself down, tucking her backpack under the chair.

"I'm glad - I actually wanted to talk to you about something.." She muttered, slightly pink at the thought of it. Jeremy was taken aback.

"T-talk away!" He urged, trying not to come off as pushy. He could almost hear the SQUIP sighing in his brain.

"Well, I don't know how to put this.. but, say there's this person who you see in the hall everyday - and you've known him since seventh grade.." She started, her eyes becoming dreamy. "And, well, he just kinda.. changes into someone totally new - like, you thought you had him pegged on the type of person he was, but you prove yourself wrong and then you're all like 'Oh my god, they're someone id kinda be into!'"

Jeremy turned red and nodded his head in an understanding manner.

"Is she talking about me?" He muttered to the SQUIP under his breath. The SQUIP manifested behind (Y/N).

"Of course she is - also, i'm activating your pheromones. Keep it up, slugger!" He encouraged, then dissolved into pixels.

"So anyways, say there's this person you never knew that well. But, like I mention before, they changed - and so now they're a guy you'd kinda be into!" She exclaimed, Jeremy anxiously chuckling.

"W-would It be rude to ask who this person is?" Jeremy squeaked out. He expected (Y/N) to slap him, call him names, and burst out crying - that's what girls in the movies did when they were asked about romance.

Instead though, she shrugged and nodded her head.

"Sure, you seem like a trustworthy guy." She grinned, practically radiating happiness and hope by now.

"So.. the guy you'd kinda be into...?" Jeremy prompted her. She bit her lip, giving Jeremy a slight... ahem, erection.

"The guy i'd kinda be into.. well, he's J-"

Jeremy almost exploded when he heard that 'J' - it had to be him, and the SQUIP had worked after all! He would get his first kiss, his first-

"Jake!" She giggled, bubbly. "Thanks for talking about it with me Jeremy, it really feels good to get that all out!" She chuckled. Jeremy was about to say something before Mr. Rayes interrupted him.

"Hot pocket break over - back to rehearsal!"

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