More then survive - Reprise

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in·saneinˈsān/ a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill."certifying patients as clinically insane"synonyms:mentally ill, mentally disordered, of unsound mind, certifiable; More2.
USinformalshocking; outrageous.


Jeremy groggily rose from his bed, a searing pain in his temples. He groaned and rubbed them, then sat up and tried to remember the events of yesterday.

It didnt take long to remember, just a lot to take in. In the span of fourty eight hours he had managed to sign up for the school play, hang out with (Y/N) and play video games, gotten a super computer in his head, and had been offered a ride by the second hottest girls in school - (Y/N) being the first, of course.

"Uh.. hello?" He blurted out, knocking on his forehead - it would respond, right? 
"Helllloooooo?" He said, this time slightly louder.

"Jeremy, are you talking to youself?" His dad yelled from the bathroom. JEremy sighed, finally realizing the whole computer thing, hanging out with (Y/N) and being offered a ride was certainly just a dream - a very, very nice dream.

Instinctively, he made his was over to his laptop in order to do, uh, things. As he loaded the files, he felt a sharp ZAP in his body.

"What did we say about masturbation?" The annoying SQUIP voice lurked, a small smile creeping on Jeremy's face. So it had worked!

"Uh, sorry, I just-" 

"No excuses - now, wer're going to make a system - for each time you think about sex, you have t do ten pushups. If this morning is an addicative sample, then youll have pecks in no time."


"CHristine, you've got to be bullshitting me," (Y/N) groaned, flopping down onto her close
friend's bed. Christine simply smirked at her and shrugged her small shoulders at (Y/N), who was rolling her eyes at the ceiling.                 

The two were talking about the issue that we like to call love. It was an interesting conversation, considering the people talking about it, but it easily got out of hand when Christine started teasing (Y/N) about Jeremy and Jake. The Jake teasing she didnt care much for, she understood it.

But Jeremy? There's no way - he was not a guy she'd be into whatsoever. I mean, just look at him!

I mean, first of all, he was too nice - it would definitely get to (Y/N), and it'd fog up her mind. Kindness equaled weakness (or so she thought.) Second, he smiled too much, and he did it an overly-adorable way - like how someone smiles at a puppy or a particularly cute and innocent toddler. And his eyes..

"He's a guy you'd kinda be into.." Christing teased, bringing (Y/N) to reality that she had just said everything from her 'thoughts' out loud.

"W-what are you talking about!" (Y/N) shrieked, her face turning a suprising shade of pink - why the fuck was it doing that!?

"You literally just described him like he's the best person in the world, (Y/N). I think that counts as 'being into' somebody." Christine pointed out, exaggerating the 'being into' section of her speech.

(Y/N) sat up and rolled her eyes, shaking the blush away from her face.

No, Jeremy was not a guy she'd kinda be into.


"Jeremy, that has to be the best thing you've said all week!" Jeremy let out, and rather dramatically, too.

(Y/N) finger gunned him. "That's exactly what I was going for, my bro."

Jeremy cringed when he heard the words "my bro."
Honesty, he had liked (Y/N) since Micheal's 8th birthday.
Sure, he had liked Christine back then, but after they started talking they both realized they just weren't right with each other. However, they remained friends, gushing about their crushes to each other. Christine would talk about how nice Jenna Roland would look when she wore her pink dress. She was convinced pink was Jenna's color.

Jeremy would always gush about (Y/N)'s adorable lip biting when she got nervous, or how she would pull up her jacket up to nap in chemistry class, or show he would ruffle his hair when he was proud 0r how-

(Y/N) snapped Jeremy out of his thoughts.

The sudden yelling startled Jeremy, making him jump.
"Gah! Dude, you scared me!"

Michael's face dropped.
"Did you just call me dude?"

Jeremy nodded. "Something wrong with that?"

Red freckled Michaels face.
"N-no! Not at all! I-it's just.."
(Y/N) hesitated, taking a breath.
"That's why I called you to hang out today.." She started. Before Jeremy could intervene and ask what the hell she was talking about, she continued.
"I mean.. aren't I anything more than 'dude' to you? Dont we have.. something more?"
(Y/N) and Jeremy alike were both red by the time she finished his

"I.. I don't know what to say.." Jeremy confessed.

She surely took it the wrong way, as he freaked out inside (and out).
"J-Jeremy I'm so sorry.. just forget what I said.. I.."
(Y/N) sighed, thinking to herself. You've gone too far now, you piece of shit. May as well finish.
"Jeremy.. I like you."
Jeremy was smiling like a dope.
She was slightly nervous Jeremy would reject her, but all those nervous feelings were swept aside as Jeremy practically threw himself onto her, giving her a huge hug.

And Jeremy had a single thought.
I am so glad I showered today.


Jeremy jolted, fixing his posture from reaction.

"Jeremy, you're daydreaming again, when you should be going over to ask Brooke on a date." The SQUIP chided, suddenly appearing next to the lanky boy.

"W-what do you mean..?" Jeremy mumbled to it, confused. He had gotten this..-this thing so he could get to (Y/N) - not some blonde bimbo he went to school with. 

"Its all going to work out, trust me." The SQUIP lulled leaning against a wall. "If you get with her first, (Y/N) will see your true value - plus, she's popular. It'll boost your social status from whatever.." The SQUIP made a hand motion gesturing to Jeremy. 
"This is.." It said with disgust.

Jeremy rolled his eyes at it, but complied to it's instructions. Gathering courage from the SQUIP (who, in reality, was releasing chemicals to make him self assured in his brain), he marched over to Brooke and her friends.

Boys will be boysOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant