More then survive

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causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with.

"one of the most awkward jobs is painting a ceiling"

synonyms:difficult, tricky; More


causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience.

"he had put her in a very awkward situation"

synonyms:embarrassing, uncomfortable, unpleasant, delicate, tricky, problematic, troublesome, thorny;


"Come on.. go!" Jeremy grumbled, growing impatient with his computer.

Why wasn't his porn loading? He was getting more irritated with each passing second.

"Jeremy, Micheal is here!"

Jeremy groaned. Great, now he'd be uncomfortable all day. He would have punched his laptop, had he had the time.

Pulling his pants on, her mumbled to himself.

"Good morning.. time to start the day."

Micheal stood at the front door of the Heere household, anxiously waiting for Jeremy to hurry his ass up. Being in the same room as Mr. Heere was awkward enough, but the fact he was pant-less was even worse. He didn't hate the guy, he just hated his choice of clothing. (or choice of not clothing) Simple as that.

Jeremy popped in, backpack on his shoulders, irritation written all over his face.

"Hey Micheal.." He grumbled as he passed his friend and went out to his friend's car without waving goodbye to his father, who now looked upset.

Micheal could already tell Jeremy was in a sour mood. Closing the door behind him and giving Mr. Heere a wave goodbye, he hopped into the driver's seat of his car.


The duo had been driving for a good ten minutes when Jeremy noticed Micheal was taking unusual turns and twists while driving.

"Micheal, where are we going?" Jeremy inquired in regards to Micheal's mysterious driving patterns.

"We're going to go get (Y/N)." Micheal said, looking smug.

"What!?" Jeremy shrieked, his voice three octaves higher then usual.

Jeremy had a crush on (Y/N) since third grade, but he wasn't sure that she even knew of his existence. She was perfect in every way, from her eyes to her hands to her, ahem, behind.

He originally met her at Micheal's ninth birthday, due to the fact that their parents were both very close to one another and had worked with eachother for years.

(Y/N) had a fun personality, and whenever he was around her, he felt bubbly inside. He could never speak right around her and Micheal would have to do most of the talking.

(Y/N) was also pretty close to Christine Canigula, Jeremy's former crush. They had met at a play rehearsal when (Y/N) was doing the crew, Christine on cast.

He used to like Christine a lot, but that changed when (Y/N) came into the picture. Besides - Christine was a huge lesbian. (No hate, Jeremy himself was bisexual.)

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