Two Player Game

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imitative of a style, fashion, or design from the recent past.

"retro 60s fashions"



clothes or music whose style or design is imitative of those of the recent past.

"a look that mixes Italian casual wear and American retro"


(Y/N) sat in the passenger seat of Micheal's car, shuffling her playlist.

"Put on some Marley!" Micheal said enthusiastically. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and thought out a reply.

That was the thing with (Y/N). She never spoke without giving at least a split second of thought to it. She had learned the hard way how words could divide you from people so quickly, and it wasn't something to be messed with.

"You only ever listen to Bob Marley, Mike. You need to vary it sometimes." She chided, putting on some alternative rock.

"I only ever listen to him because he's amazing, you piece of moldy lasagna on a stick." Micheal clapped back as he turned the corner.

"Tou-fucking-shae, Mell." (Y/N) retorted, skipping a song.

Micheal smirked, and kept driving. (Y/N) was good company, alright. If he was straight, he'd probably be into her.

Alas, Micheal was about as straight as a squiggly line. People often attributed it with Micheal having two, very lesbian, mothers. This wasn't the case, though. They had never raised him to be gay, it was how he was born.

But this was not about his sexuality. No, this was about their conversation while the two were driving to Jeremy's to play video games.

Well, technically it was only Micheal that was supposed to come, but (Y/N) begged to come along, talking about how Christine had a date with some girl named Jenna Rolan and (Y/N) didn't want to be alone on a friday night.

Once again, though, not the point.

The car kept going for another half mile or so, until it pulled to a halt in front of a canary colored house with white fringes. The two ended their conversation as Micheal pulled into the driveway as (Y/N) unplugged her phone from the AUX.

Micheal got out first, leading (Y/N) to the back of the house.

"What are we doing?" (Y/N) asked, a bit too loudly.

"Shh!" Micheal scolded, placing a finger on his lips. "We're sneaking in!" He whisper-yelled.

"But that's illegal!" (Y/N) whisper yelled back.

"Not if its the Heere household." Micheal replied with a smirk, shimmying up a drainpipe leading to a window on the top level of the house.

"This is a bad idea.." (Y/N) grumbled.

"I know." He replied, full faith in his plan.

The plan that (Y/N) was not aware of, in fact.


Jeremy was just setting up his console in his room. Micheal would be here any minute, and it was easier to have everything ready.

Tap Tap

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