30 - Results for Science Fiction: 1st round

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Hey guys! How are you all doing? 

We have our TOP 9 for Science Fiction, so exciting!! These entries will compete on the second round and then we will choose the winners :)

We have our TOP 9 for Science Fiction, so exciting!! These entries will compete on the second round and then we will choose the winners :)

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- Sender by Trenzalore13 (mature)

- Travellers: Time and Space by Olympia_Moon

- Deep Cosmos by ProjectKyle

- The Prodigies by Sibi21

- Usually Unusual by RinRin58

- Redemption by Rosephilips

- The Last Time Keeper by leovaldez994

- Lunar Virus by its_really_not

- The Voyager by TheHistorienne

CONGRATS!!!! The results for TOP 6 will be out before January 16th!!

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