21 - Results for Teen Fiction: 1st round

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Hey everyone!

**important announcement on my message board...

So, we have our TOP 9 for Teen Fiction now! These books will go to the second round...


- Be Strong by Irfvan

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- Be Strong by Irfvan

- The High Life by brokenxSpark

- Infinity Is Beyond Us by antoanaxo

- The Sullivan Sisters by AprilT420

- Epistle by itsmyjam

- Fire and Ice by JJwarren702

- Lonely Teens by xohrats

- Reunited Bond by ShaahzweenyEldiablo

- Lonely but Not Alone by Towie_A

CONGRATS EVERYONE! They are not written in any order!

Also, we will just start the judging part after January 3rd (I'm currently traveling❤️)

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