Long Live The King

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20 Years Ago

Claudia was only 18 when Borris Von'Craven destroyed her life.
Taking the life of her father Mieczyslaw SR.
The King of the Druids.

It was the Celestial Gala.
A gathering of Druids under the rare
Blue Moon.
And Claudia's first adult party.
It was a grand time.
There was music, dancing, food and lots of laughter. And power...The Blue Moon is one of the four Celestial events that made us stronger. We were one with everything.
It was great until__

"Where was this exactly?"
Stiles asked.
"If you would let him finish."
Scott said agitated.
"Well I'm trying to get the whole story, Scott." Stiles defended.
"It was in Poland. It was gorgeous." Deaton smiled. Continuing with his story.

Then Borris stormed the event.
"Hello, old friend." Borris said to Mieczyslaw. A sick sadistic grin.
"You're no friend of mine, Borris! I thought I locked you up." Mieczyslaw said angrily pointing to him.
"Steel cages don't hold me. You should know that. Care to finish or last fight Miec?" Borris asked condescendingly.
"Leave here. Now!" Mieczyslaw ordered. Rising to his feet. "Take her, Alan." He pulled out his staff.
Geared for a battle.
Everyone else tried to scatter.
"Ah ah ah. Not so fast." He froze those attempting to escape. Draining them of their powers and life essence.
"Come on, Claudia." I whispered. Trying to sneak her away. But she was stubborn and resisted.
"Stay away from my father!" Claudia yelled. Taking stance in front of her father.
"So this is your offspring with Azra?
She looks just like her mother." He said moving closer. The king stepped in front of his daughter. Turning to face her.
"I love you, my daughter. Always remember that." Was all he said before putting her in a deep sleep.
I took her away.
Where she could be safe.
While a 30 year feud between former friends, escalated into an all out battle. I came back for him when Claudia was tucked away, but I was too late. The king was dying.
Heart rate, severely decreased.
I told him I could bring him back. He didn't need to die. But he told me,
"I lived my life. And I loved every moment of it. And my death would be worth it if my daughter lives."
Those were his last words. He took his final breath. The king was gone. My friend. Enraged and with quick hands, I casted a binding spell to seal his soul. And buried him alive in a lead box. Lead dampens magic, that's how I wasn't affected.
Lead shield under my suit.
Anyway, when Claudia woke up, I had already buried him under a Rowan tree. She was distraught and scared. Angry...after she said her goodbyes and swore revenge, Claudia returned to Beacon Hills with me. There was nothing left for her in Poland anymore.
That's where she met your dad and the rest was history.

"Okay...That was horrifying but it still leaves some questions unanswered." Stiles said. "Like why you didn't show me the tapes. Or didn't tell me about my powers before all this happened." Stiles said.
"After we came back to Beacon Hills, we both stopped practicing magic. I became an advisor and Claudia starved her's. Opting to live a human life. No one else knew but us and...Talia." Deaton said.
"Derek's mom?" Stiles asked.
"I was her Emissary so she knew everything." Deaton explained.
"Of course. Get to the point."
Stiles said impatiently.
"She wanted to wait until you were older but she never got the chance.
I wasn't going to tell you at all.
I wanted you to have a normal life.
And if you didn't know you had it or how to use it...The less chance he'd be able to find us." Deaton explained.
"Why would he find us if you bound his soul or whatever? He's not a threat." Stiles said confused.
"Where did you bury him?" Scott asked. The right question.
"The Dark Woods. An entirely different realm where magic doesn't exist. I opened a portal, opened the earth and put him down.
But there's a little bit of a problem.
Where we live. Beacon Hills. Rich in supernatural and magical activity." Deaton explained.
"Druids can open entire portals to other worlds and you're telling me this now? Forget it. So if magic doesn't exist there, what is the problem? He won't be able to sense you." Stiles reasoned.
"The problem is...with enough powerful Druid magic they can reopen the portal and let him out.
Or one 3rd generation, 17 year old druid who doesn't know how to use his powers well." Deaton sighed.
"When I was out of control...I was...why the hell would you not tell me this?!" Stiles demanded.
"Stiles, in his defense, he didn't know you'd get bit and turned into a druid." Scott said calmly.
"I don't care, Scott! You dishonored my mother's wishes. You should have been training me from the beginning!" Stiles yelled.
"I didn't know! You seemed human. No magic. Normal. I didn't have to worry. What would be the point of showing someone who couldn't use it?! So I kept it to myself. Then when Scott got bit and all the other supernatural events began unfolding around him, it stirred your dormant ability. Not fully awakened but a spark. So I nurtured it when needed.
Tried to channel it. That was as far as it was meant to go. I never imagined you would be as powerful as you are." Deaton explained with a heavy heart.
"So why teach me how?" Stiles asked.
"Because it was too late...I had no choice. Not only would you singlehandedly reopen the portal, but destroy yourself and Beacon Hills in the process...I'm sorry that I hurt you but I did what was necessary."
Deaton explained tearfully.
"I never trusted you and now I know why." Stiles said and turned away.
"The portal is badly ruptured but it can be repaired. We can__" Stiles stopped him. Uncuffing him with his telekinesis.
"We're done here." Stiles announced and walked to his jeep. Getting in and driving off.

He came back to Beacon Hills. To Derek. Opening his loft doors.
"Put the claws and fangs away, Derek. It's me." Stiles said dryly. Taking off his shoes at the door.
"Stiles...Do you know what time it is?" Derek asked tiredly. Confused.
"Either really early or really late." Stiles said and took off his shirt before walking upstairs.
"What are you doing? What's wrong?" Derek asked concerned.
"We'll talk when I wake up but right now...I just wanna shower and curl up with you." Stiles said with a sad smile.
"Are you okay?"
Derek asked, holding his face.
"No." Stiles softly. Entering the shower. Leaving Derek even more worried.
The running water just barely drowning out the soft sobs.

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