After School Lessons

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Deciding that he didn't want to destroy Beacon Hills along with his loved ones. Stiles started focusing his powers. Unfortunately...
"I'm not getting it!" Stiles groaned.
"Yes, you are. You've improved a lot in two weeks." Deaton said.
"Doesn't feel like it. Can we just go back to the healing part? I was actually good at that." Stiles said.
"Hey. You're being too hard on yourself. I want to try something." Deaton said with a warm smile.
"Hey...I am not into you like that, man." Stiles said. Deaton sighed.
"No...You see that piece of paper?" Deaton asked. Stiles nodded. "Good. I want you to throw it away."
"Sweet! Easy peasy." Stiles bent to get it before Deaton stopped him.
"Using your telekinesis."
Deaton added.
"Of course. Knew it couldn't be that easy." Stiles sighed defeated. "I c__"
"Yes you can. Think of it as an extension of yourself. Stop trying to force it and let it come naturally." Deaton advised. Stiles shrugged.
"If it means I get to go home, then fine." Stiles raised the paper before clenching his fist. Crumpling the paper. Shooting it into the bin with his eyes closed. Then the door opened.
"Stiles?" Deaton said warmly.
"Hmm?" Stiles asked alert, opening his eyes. "Who left that door open?"
"That would be you." Deaton said.
"Well I never did it? How?" Stiles asked.
"Because you weren't trying so hard. And you wanted to leave, so the door opened." Deaton explained.
"Ha! Cool. Derek! I did something." Stiles said happily as the older wolf walked in the door.
"Yeah? Happy for you. Let's go."
Derek said. Stiles looked confused.
"O-Okay. See you tomorrow, Doc. Thank you." Stiles said and went with Derek. In silence. It was awkward.
Stiles tried to tell Derek about his day but he wasn't responding.
So he stopped talking.
Derek took him home and left.

The next day, Stiles went to school. Aced a History test. Got the last fruit cup. Went to work with Scott.
Did homework while he waited.
Turning the pages with his mind.
Scott was noticeably impressed.
Work ended and Stiles' training started up.
"I see you're practicing. That's good. A lot of improvement for one day.
Are you ready to something bigger?" Deaton asked.
"Hell yeah. I'm not afraid of a challenge. But nothing that could kill me though." Stiles said nervously.
"Of course not. But I will need your help...Scott." Deaton said.
"Me?" Scott asked surprised.
Deaton nodded.

10 Seconds Later

"A medicine ball? What are we supposed to do with this?"
Scott asked.
"You throw it to Stiles. He tosses it back. With his hands." Deaton expleined. "You won't hurt him."
"Okay..." Scott said and stepped back three paces and confirmed that Stiles was ready, before tossing it.
But Stiles panicked and shielded his face. Leaving the medicine ball suspended in the air.
"Stiles!" Scott said excitedly.
"What?!" Stiles asked alarmed. That's when the ball hit his toe. "Ow!"
"Good job. Next time...keep your eyes open." Deaton whispered.
"Did you know that would happen?" Scott asked.
"Yes. Just wasn't sure it would work..." Deaton added. Not filling the boys with confidence. "Go again."

For the rest of the week, the pack shuffled him back and forth to training to show support.
Isaac even teaching him how to fight during free periods and lunch breaks.
Then the full moon came around again and he didn't go berserk. Not destroying a single thing.

After all that hard work for the past month, the pack took a day off.
Having a cook out by the river. Laughing, having fun. Relaxing.
Stiles filled the pack in on all the new stuff he learned. Everyone but Derek was happy for him. And Stiles didn't understand why.
"And I actually pinned Isaac." Stiles said happily.
"Because you cheated. You had that supernatural sixth sense thing. You sneak attacked me." Isaac defended.
"But did I pin you?" Stiles asked sarcastically. Smiling.
"You think you're cute." Isaac said.
"I know I am." Stiles chuckled.
"Okay. Let's do this. Round two. Face to face. Mano y Mano." Isaac dared. Standing up.
"Whenever you're ready, pretty boy." Stiles teased. Derek threw a beer can that Stiles deflected with his powers.
"What the hell, man?" Isaac asked.
"Him!" Derek yelled pointing to Stiles.
"Me? What'd I do?" Stiles asked.
"Other than almost giving me a concussion? How about the fact you changed? You turned into this cocky power whore and I don't recognize you. You turned into this freak and I don't like you like this." Derek yelled.
"I know what this is about; I'm not beneath you anymore. I'm on your level and you can't take it. You're supposed to be the big strong werewolf, protecting the scrawny, hyperactive human. But the dynamic changed. You think your purpose is filled and I'll move on. Right?"
Stiles asked sarcastically. That's when it happened. The slap. Derek slapped Stiles. Making his mouth bleed.
Derek instantly regretted it.
"Stiles...I'm sorry..." Derek apologized.
"Son of a bitch!" Scott yelled.
"Scott. Guys. It's okay. I'm fine. Don't worry about it, Derek." Stiles said and hugged him. His hand on Derek's back. Then Derek felt pressure.
"Stiles?" Derek said uncomfortably.
"Shh...It's okay." Stiles said softly.
Then came a sickening crack that echoed through the woods and rippled on the water. The sound of Derek's back breaking. "Touch me again and next time you won't heal." Stiles said and tossed him on the ground. "I'm taking a walk. No one follow me." Stiles stepped over Derek and left to clear his head.

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