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Stiles came out of the shower, cleaned, dried and fully dressed.
"A shower never felt so good."
Stiles sighed.
"Happy you enjoyed. What the hell happened? You died! I heard it."
Scott said.
"I screamed for you." Lydia said.
"I'll keep it as simple as possible. Last thing remember was seeing my dad and smiling at him before I started feeling this...pressure, I guess_ in my head and everything went black.
I heard a bunch of commotion and then nothing. That was it." Stiles said.
"But how are you here right now? Are you a zombie or something?" Scott asked. Lydia and Stiles gave him a sarcastic look. "Like it's that crazy!"
"No. I'm not a zombie. I wouldn't be able to form coherent sentence and I have no desire for brains, so...
All I know is that I woke up on top of the Nemeton, alone and naked."
Stiles recalled. "I don't know but I feel this...connection with it. Almost like it's a part of me." Stiles said distantly.
"I want know who moved you to the Nemeton when when Derek and I left you, you were in a draw at the hospital." Scott said.
"Couldn't tell you. And as stupid as this sounds, I think The Nemeton brought me back." Stiles said.
"I wouldn't be surprised. Man I hate that thing." Lydia said. Stiles laughed.
"The bite!" Scott shouted suddenly.
"Oh yeah...I got bit. Looks like it healed though." Stiles said casually.
"So does that mean you're one of us now?" Scott asked excitedly.
"No idea." Stiles shrugged.
"Your dad is going to freak." Scott said. Stiles shook his head.
"I'll see him in the morning when he's sober. When he'll believe it." Stiles said softly. Scott turned his head to the window. "Your mom?"
"Yeah." Scott said. Stiles smiled and nodded to the door. Scott scoffed and they went downstairs to greet her.
"Scott! Are you up?" Melissa called.
"Yeah. And look who's back." Scott said happily. Stiles popped up behind Scott. Giving Melissa a minor heart attack and making her faint.
After reviving her and explaining the situation to a very confused Melissa, Stiles made himself dinner because he was starving. Scott and Lydia stared at him until they fell asleep. Melissa went to bed, after convincing herself she wasn't hallucinating.
Stiles stayed up and watched TV because he slept enough.

10:00 the next morning, Scott called a pack meeting, which included the Sheriff. Saying that they found Stiles but it was a supernatural circumstance and he needed to come to his house.
"Alright, Scott. I'm here. What was the big supernatural issue with Stiles' body? And why are the rest of them here..." Noah asked confused now.
"Hi, dad." Stiles said at the top of the stairs. Everyone looked up.
"Stiles?" Noah asked shakily.
"Uh-huh. You guys are stuck with me." Stiles said warmly.
" all see him too?" Noah asked. Melissa said she asked the same thing. "Stiles!" Noah said and hugged his son tightly.
"I'm sorry I scared you." Stiles said.
"I don't even care how this is possible. Don't ever do that to me again." Noah said holding his face. There were hugs and punches sent his way for twenty minutes. Derek, watching from afar. "Go talk to him." Peter said.
Derek was shaking but took his uncle's advice. Approaching him in the kitchen where he took second breakfast. Stiles smiled and continue making his peanut butter, cheese and turkey sandwich with a mayo sauce.
"Can we talk? Outside?" Derek asked.
"Yeah. Almost done." Stiles said sweetly. Derek standing there with his heart in his throat. "Done. Follow me." Stiles lead him through the back door where they talked on the back porch.
"I'm sorry." Derek said before the words could choke him any more.
"I'm sorry too. I should have stayed in the car. I just didn't want to leave you." Stiles said gently
before taking a bite.
"I should have protected you like I promised. You were my responsibility." Derek said.
"Here I thought we were friends."
Stiles said sarcastically.
"Stiles...He bit you. To get back at me. He hurt bad. You died..." Derek said sadly. Stiles knew that Derek didn't like hugging but this was one situation for Stiles to break that.
"It's okay, Der. It happened. It's over." Stiles said, hugging the big crying wolf. "I'm okay. See? I'm here. Holding you. I can get on your last good nerve. You can tell me all the things you hate...It's fine." Stiles said soothingly. Comforting him. Cora and Isaac__ who were eavesdropping, decided to leave a tender moment alone.

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