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(Since I wrote Oliver's birth back in July I gonna go off of that as his birthday so he's six months old. Enjoy!)
Today was Christmas which meant the whole fam was gathering around the tree. Well in about an hour. Right now my two sleepy heads won't wake up to get ready.

"Baby wake up" I whisper in Ethan's ear

"No sleep with me" he lets out in his raspy voice with his eyes still closed

"Eth everyone will be here in an hour. We have to get ready" I gently place a kiss on his shoulder. He places his hand on the back of my neck and kisses my forehead gently

"I love you" he whispers before looking into my eyes

"I love you more" I quickly peck his lips before getting up and walking over to Oliver's crib. I gently rest my body on the side of his crib and stroke his cheek. He let out a little smile in his sleep

"We did a good job didn't we" Ethan's voice comes out from behind me. I slowly turn my head to see Ethan looking over my shoulder down to Oliver

"We did a great job" I smile as my eyes divert back to Oliver's tiny face. He starts to rub his hand over his face. I put my hand into his little curls as he stretches his arms and legs. Me and Ethan stand there watching our little creation walk up. He slowly flutters his eyes open and looks up at me and Ethan scrunching his eyebrows

"Hey baby boy" Ethan speaks out causing Oliver to let out a puff of air from his nose and shows off his little gums

"Who's ready to get dressed for their first Christmas!" I clap my hands as Oliver just blankly stares at me

"Don't mind your mom she's coo coo" Ethan crosses his eyes and sticks out his tongue making Oliver laugh

"Wow well I see who you like more" I pout at Oliver and walk over to the dresser to pick out his outfit. Ethan insisted on matching all together so that's what we're doing. We all got specially designed shirts. Ethan's was a red and white shirt that said "Daddy Elf" mine said "Mommy Elf" and Oliver's said "under elf surveillance"

"Here you can dress him up since he likes you more" I pout at Oliver who's in Ethan's hands. He lets out a puff of air and smiles. I've noticed he laughs like that all the time. With a few giggles here and there.

"Ok ok give me it you go do your Momma business" Ethan winks at me and takes the clothing

"Weirdo" I whisper and walk into the bathroom. I untie my hair and brush through it

Wow you're a mess

I giggle to myself and run my fingers over my bags. I haven't been getting much sleep. And it's not because of Oliver. I don't really have a reason and I don't know why I can't sleep. I throw on my clothing then put my hair in French braids. I walk out of the closet to find Ethan and Oliver already ready. I glare at Oliver who starts back at me

"I don't like you" I joke as he looks at Ethan who looks back at him. I take him out of Ethan's hands and set him on the bed sitting up. I hug Ethan and stick my tongue out at Oliver "he's mine" Oliver pouts in an instant and puts his hands out for Ethan "no!" I squeeze Ethan who's trying to get to Oliver

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