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"Baby girl wake up" Ethan lightly rubbed my stomach trying to wake me up. I shot up and smiled immediately

"We find out the gender today!!" I got up carefully and brushed my teeth

"What just happened weren't you just asleep" Ethan giggles. His giggle awwww

"We find out what the gender is aren't you excited!!" I walked to my closet and put on my clothes "help me!!" I turned around with my shirt on my head

Ethan walked to me and pulled it down over my stomach

"Lets go!" I walked down the stairs because I couldn't run "hey gray where's Kera" I smiled at him

"Asleep why" he looked at me as my smile faded

"Go wake her up! We have to find out the gender!" I clapped my hands "Finally! Let's go" I dragged her as she got downstairs

"What do you even have an appointment for?" She rolled my eyes

"Gender reveal" I squealed

"Uh didn't you do that last week?"

"No I was supposed to but I wanted to do it with you." I smiled , we're in this together, Kera" i intertwined hands with Ethan as we got into the car

"Hows the pregnancy Kera?" Ethan looked back at her

"It's uhh fine I guess " She smiled.

Kera got called in as the doctor came out to me and Ethan

"Natalia" the nurse came out of a room. She led us into a room and told me to lay down on a bed. Me and Ethan sat in the room and waited for the doctor. He finally came in and told me to list up my shirt

"You see that?" He pointed at something funny looking

"What is that?" I looked closer

"Your having a boy!" He smiled. I looked over at Ethan who was smiling like crazy

"Baby boy" I whispered as the doctor rubbed off the gel on my stomach

"And would you tell Kera she's having a girl" he smiled as me and Ethan walked out

"You're having a girl!" I squealed

"How do you know?" She raised her eyebrow

"Doctor Sullivan told us to tell you" Ethan chuckled

"Wow, he's so annoying" She laughed

"Anyways we can go now" Ethan said helping her up

"I hate being pregnant yunno that" I whine

"But you love my di-" Ethan started but she cut him off

"Ew gross!" Kera squealed

"Kera you have no room to talk, with how loud you are" Ethan laughed

"I have no clue what you're talking about" she tried to sound innocent "anyways can we stop at Starbucks?" I got into the front seat

"Basic ass white girl" Ethan chuckled as he pulled out of the parking spot we were in

"Oh well" she laughed "Yal want anything?" She asked as she got out

"Just 2 grande passion teas" I smiled

"Oh and a brownie!" Ethan added

"Got it" She laughed and walked into Starbucks

"Are you excited?" Ethan looked at me intertwining our fingers

"Of course I am" I smiled resting my head on the seat facing him. His fingers rubbing against my knuckles

She finally came back with one drinks and opened the door

When we got back to the house and Kera rested her head on Grayson's lap giving him his drink as a gender reveal

"Ew why'd you get me this" he put down the pink drink and took a sip of her chocolate chip frappe

"Because I did" she looked at her stomach then rubbed it to give him a sign. Me and Ethan laughed at his stupidity

"Bro, you're so clueless" Ethan said and Aaron laughed

"If you're not gonna drink the pink drink then can I have it" Aaron innocently asked. Idiot

"Take it" She handed it to him

"Again why'd you get me a pink drink and not what you got?" Gray massaged her head

"You're so dumb" She said and looked at her stomach

"What? I don't get it" he scratched his chin

"She's having a girl you idiot!" I screamed from the kitchen. Because I couldn't take his stupidity

"Wait! Really?!" He screamed

"Yeah but I thought you wanted a boy?"

"Either way I'm happy, as long as I have you and our baby" he kissed her forehead "oh and now I have a little princess I can spoil and buy things for since you don't let me do it for you"

"you do way too much other stuff" She smirked

"Oh I know" he grinned then picked her up and started bombarding her with kisses

"She calls me nasty and then make sexual jokes with grayson what the fuck" Ethan whispered in my ear

"I know it's fine it's fine" I tapped his chest as he rubbed my stomach

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