Waitress: Hey! We can't have fighting in here. Take it outside.

Y/n: Like the lady said, take it outside. Normally I'd ablige, but you're not important enough to deal with.

He swung at me. I ducked under it and stepped back. He picked up a chair and aimed for my head. If he misses me, he'll hit the waitress. So I brought out my sword and sliced through the chair.

Y/n: You almost hit a defenseless woman. I should kill you for that. But you're not worth it.

I kicked him into the door, propping it open. I walked out and stepped over him.

Waitress: Wait. I didn't get to thank you.

Y/n: Don't. And don't get the wrong idea. I don't value your life anymore than I value his.

And with that, I walked off. I headed up the road to Beacon until I'd reached the front gate. I watched students leave the building, some went in. Most wore different uniforms. Then I remembered that the Vytal Festival is being hosted in Vale this year. I figured that I could pose as a Mistral transfer student. That would explain my sudden appearance. But I'd have to register with the headmaster.

As I walked into what seemed to be the main entrance, the room was swarmed with people. Some looked like they been here for years. Others, as if they'd just started. Some were human, others were faunus. All human teams, all faunus teams, and some mixed. But they were all accepting.

Y/n: This is sickening.

???: Excuse me?

I almost jumped a foot in the air. I turned to face a female with a black vest over a white shirt. She had black pants/stockings that went down into her black boots. And a bow on top of raven black hair.

???: What exactly is sickening?

Y/n: Don't you make noise when you take steps? Anyways, it's the environment. How can you be so accepting and open to faunus in a school, but cast them out like trash everywhere else?

???: I mean, that's just the way things are. It's not right, but there's nothing we can do about it. Nothing legal anyway. My name's Blake.

Y/n: Y/n.

She stuck out her hand; I hesitated but shook it. As soon as I came in contact with it, I knew exactly was up. Her handshake was firm yet delicate. Like a covert assassin, or a lynx ready to pounce, or a...

Y/n: You're a cat!

Blake: Um...yeah.

Now it may seem like I dislike cats because I'm a wolf. Wrong! I just don't fuck with them.

???: You're damn right she is!

And once again, my heart stopped beating for nine seconds.

Y/n: What is it with this school and people sneaking up on others?

This one was another female. Golden blonde hair and lavender eyes. She sported a brown jacket over an orange shirt. She had matching short shorts and brown boots.

Blake: Oh Yang. This is Y/n. Y/n this is Yang.

We shook hands. Her grip was unnecessarily tight. Like she was trying to break my entire arm. I pried away from her grip to avoid having to wearing a cast.

Y/n: Nice to meet you. By the way do either of you know where I can find the headmaster? I need to see him.

Yang: Ozpin? Sure. He's on the fourth floor. Room D-15. I can have Weiss take you.

Y/n: Oh thanks.

Now where have I heard that name before?

I followed them to the other side of the auditorium. There were two girls waiting for them. One was short with black and red hair. She wore what appeared to be a combat skirt. It was black with red trim and it matched her black boots. But her eyes, were that of a warrior. The silver eyes.

Predator and Prey(Male Wolf Faunus x Velvet)Where stories live. Discover now