The Team

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After wandering around for a bit, I made my way to the Headmaster's office. I could hear voices on the other side so I knocked, hoping to get their attention. Almost immediately, the door opened on its own, revealing a woman and man inside.

The woman was above average height with blonde hair and round glasses that magnified green eyes. Her outfit wasn't exactly fitting for a teacher; a white blouse that revealed more curves than necessary, a purple cape that gave her the look of a vampire cosplayer, and black pants tucked into black heeled boots. She stood with her arms crossed with what resembled a riding crop in hand.

The man sitting behind the desk was one I'd seen before. Silver hair with emerald eyes and black spectacles. A green coat that coexisted with his eyes, and a long silver cane sat on the desk. Through Cinder, Adam, and other White Fang connections, I've come to know him as Ozpin. Professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon Academy.

???: Can I help you?

Y/n: I'm here to register with professor Ozpin. I'm here for the Vytal Tournament.

Ozpin: Please. Come in.

As I approached the desk, the woman flicked her "wand" and the door shut.

Ozpin: May I have your name?

Y/n: Y/n. I've never actually had a last name.

Ozpin: Not to worry. That's one thing we have in common. Now, what school are you representing?

I could say Atlas, but I don't really want to live with Atlas being attached to my name.

Y/n: Mistral Academy. I hope I'm not too late to register.

Ozpin: Not at all. You wouldn't be the first. However, we don't exactly have a room for you to stay in. Considering your by yourself. But, we can squeeze you in with another team if you wouldn't mind. We'd just need to confirm it with them.

Y/n: That's not a problem.

Ozpin: Very well. Glynda, could you send for team CVFY?

Glynda: Of course. *pulls out scroll*

Ozpin: Now then. Your room number is 217-B. Second floor.

I nodded and made my way out. I turned the corner and leaped down the stairs. I proceeded down the hallway of dorms, most of which were empty. I figured most of them were out and about the city. Except for the trio that had just entered the hallway. Although I didn't make eye contact, a glance in their direction told it all. We've met before.

I decided to keep moving past them, preventing any chance of them recognizing me. Yet, I couldn't help but overhear their conversation.

???: What exactly did Glynda need us for?

????: Coco said it was about a new register.

Coco: A new register that Glynda said should help the team now that Velvet's in the infirmary.

???: Well he better be good. We can't have him dragging us down.

I didn't turn to face them until they were out of earshot. They were talking about me. No mistake. But not just that, the three walking were part of the four during the train raid. But they were missing one. The other faunus.

Y/n: So her name is Velvet?

I continued for a while before reaching my room door. As expected, it was locked. Great. I thought about returning to Ozpin's office to ask for a key when I remembered, I can pick locks. Luckily, I keep a hairpin on my person at all times. After a couple seconds, the bolts gave way and I had entry.

Predator and Prey(Male Wolf Faunus x Velvet)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ