New Prey

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A/n: Ima stop being lazy with the chapter titles.

The job was simple. All we had to do was blow up the tunnel and lead the grimm to the city. All I had to do was sit back and wait for the signal, and then bail. But no. This damn rabbit and the rest of them had to interfere.

Y/n: Hey. I'll warn you once, move along.

One of them walked up to me with a briefcase and tilted her sunglasses down. She looked me up and down then swung the briefcase at me. I didn't block, thinking it was an ordinary bag. So I wasn't expecting myself to fly across the fucking battleground.

I tried to catch my self midair, but the tall one grabbed my head and slammed me into the ground. I teleported above him and brought my sword down. He blocked it with his, forcing me to jump away before he countered.

We dashed towards each other and clashed our blades together repeatedly. Another pair jumped in. A male with an unnecessarily dark tan and the bunny faunus. The guy slashed at me with the blades attached to his wrists at almost blinding speed. I activated my semblance in time to avoid getting the living shit kicked out of me by the faunus who obviously had way too much of a running start. I grabbed her and threw her to the side and kicked the other in the head.

Y/n: You guys don't know when to quit do you?

The chick from before opened her briefcase and it turned into a minigun. I blocked the bullets with my sword and teleported atop a roof, switching to mine. The barrage I sent collided with hers, causing the ammo to ricochet into the surrounding grimm in the area.

The exchange would've went on forever if the damn faunus hadn't gotten another chance to attack me. I flew across the rooftop and lost hold of my weapon. I stood up ready to fight but my hand to hand isn't the best without my semblance. She threw some punches and a kick aimed for my chest. I blocked and went for her legs but she flipped over me and drove her foot into the back of my head.

???: Looks like you don't know when to give up either.

Y/n: You are really starting to piss me off.

And here comes that infamous temper I have. I'll get angry extremely fast and then black out. What happens after that is beyond my control. If I cause a few casualties, that's what the paramedics are for.

The faunus rushed me again. My semblance activated and the attack she threw almost stopped. I elbowed her in the ribs and kicked her into the air. Only, she went slowly, very slowly. While she was rising in the world's slowest elevator, I decided to pay her teammates a visit. Starting with the dark one, I drove my fist into his abdomen and my knee into his back. I sent him flying into a car. Time returned for a second, allowing me to teleport in between the giant and the woman with the unnecessarily expensive outfit. The world slowed once more, kicking both of them and rushing the larger one. A few punches and kicks until I threw him into the other.

Y/n: And lastly...

Returning to that annoying faunus. She was currently floating high above the roof, which gave me enough time to hop up and axe kick her into the ground below.

When my semblance stopped, I was completely drained. It takes so much to alternate between my semblances and to fight at the same time. I grabbed my sword and hopped down from the roof.

Y/n: So I may have gone too far.

No one was moving. I started to think I may have killed everybody from shock. I knelt down next to the rabbit and placed my hand on her chest. She was breathing, it was shallow but it was there.

I hadn't taken the time to notice how many grimm and atlas robots were in the area. And I can't leave them here. I hate humans, but if the would risk their lives for two faunus, then they can't be all evil.

The tall started to get up.

Y/n: So you can still stand. If you can walk, get your people out of here before the grimm close in.

???: Where do you think you're going?

Y/n: I'm letting you live this time. Only because you care for this faunus. When we meet again, I expect you to go all out.

He started to say something but it was cut off when I teleported. You know, a lot of people think teleporting is instant. It actually takes a while if it's far away. Like sitting in a blue and white wormhole that keeps spinning around, until it rips open and you're there. In this case, back at camp.

Unfortunately, if I'm only focusing on where, I can't control exactly what place. Seeing as how I'm standing on a table in the middle of a meeting.

???: What the hell are you doing!?

I look around and see Cinder, and Adam, and others I care not for.

Y/n: Hey, Cindy.

Cinder: I told you to quit that stupid nickname.

Adam: Don't ignore me! What the hell are you doing on the table?

Y/n: Um...standing. Anyways, the grimm were tearing up the city and some students starting fucking things up. And I'm pretty sure Roman got arrested.

Cinder: We know. We set it up.

Y/n: So we're gonna leave him in there?

Cinder: For now. We have a plan to get him out but we've disguised him as the mastermind behind the operation.

Adam: You still haven't explained why you're in the fucking table!

Y/n: Goddammit Adam, if you don't shut the fuck up! No wonder your girlfriend left you.

Adam: She is a traitor!

Y/n: I won't rest until I have her head...

Adam: I won't rest until I have her head...

Y/n: And she's punished for her treachery...

Adam: And she's punished for her treachery...

Y/n: To the White Fang.

Adam: To the White Fang. Stop doing that!

Cinder: We've heard this speech 59 times.

Y/n: Welp. I'll be going now. It's Taco Tuesday and I'll fuck a Schnee before I miss it.

Adam: Get back here!

Cinder: Let him go. It's Taco Tuesday.

A/n: I know this one was short but I've been distracted lately and its long due. Anyways, enjoy the first official chapter of my Velvet x Reader. And thank you all again for the support.

Predator and Prey(Male Wolf Faunus x Velvet)Where stories live. Discover now