Sixteen: There's so much blood, oh my god.

Start from the beginning

Red was silent staring at the ground with wide eyes. She understood now why Damon was being mean to her, she understood why he freaked out completely when Sawyer decided to come after her. She knew everything. Tears were swimming in her eyes as she took everything in. 

"Red?" Damon asked softly. She looked up at him and wiped the tears smiling a little "It's okay, I trust you, you'll protect me. It's okay. It's okay, right?" She chanted unable to hide the tears that poured down her face. Damon sighed sadly and brought her in for a hug. She started to sob a little "He killed your sister, Damon. Nothing will stop him from getting to me" 

"Red, listen to me" Damon said pulling her away gently "I didn't bring you here to make you lose hope. I wanted you to know Sally's story to understand that we can never trust Sawyer and that we'll have to be extra cautious."

Red nodded, sniffing a little. 

"Oh, bravo, bravo!" A voice spoke up startling Red making her jump into Damon's chest wrapping her arms around his hand for protection. Damon stiffened but got on his feet in an instance recognizing the voice. Red followed him and stood up looking at the person who talked when she saw Sawyer smirking at them. 

"What a lovely sob story!" He clapped his hands together a couple of times "Would you like a noble prize with that story Cooper?" 

Damon ignored what Sawyer was saying and kept his main focus on Red. He needed to get her out of there. 

"I didn't think that Redhead was that important to you but you just proved me wrong. You took something I love away from me, and it's my turn to take yours" Sawyer smiled and lunged at Damon. Red screamed in surprise and moved away as the two gang leaders started to wrestle. She pulled out her phone and sent an SOS to Leo and turned her location on so that he could easily find where they were. 

"GO RED, GO!" Damon yelled as he threw a punch towards Sawyers face. Red stood still unable to run, she couldn't leave Damon alone with Sawyer. 

"Stop! Sawyer Stop!" Red screamed and ran towards them trying to pull Sawyer away from Damon but he pushed her with his elbow and she stumbled backwards falling on her bum. When suddenly she heard the click of a gun, she tilted her head up and saw Sawyer pointing his gun towards Damon "You took her away from me! YOU AND YOUR STUPID BORTHER." He cried out and pulled the trigger once hitting Damon in the shoulder. Red screamed and got up running towards Sawyer to stop him but Damon yelled at her to stay back as he tried to get up when Sawyer shot again hitting Damon in the chest making him cry out in pain and fall back down. 

"NO!" Red screamed "STOP!" She cried but Sawyer shot again making Damon scream out louder.

"If your brother didn't try to kill Alex in the first place, Sally would have been alive! YOU KILLED HER" Sawyer screamed. 

She ran towards Damon ignoring his protests and laid herself gently on top of him wrapping her arms around his body burying her face in his chest. She waited for Sawyer to shoot again but he didn't, he just laughed instead "Do you want to die, girlie?"

She didn't reply.

He bent down and grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her up. Red cried out in pain and tried to make him let go of her but he wouldn't budge. 

"Damon is probably rotting in hell right now so I don't have to deal with you anymore. It'd be such a shame if such a beauty would go to waste" He let go of her and stood up brushing himself "If Damon wakes up, tell him that it's not over. Watch your back red riding hood, the wolf is always hungry for some blood" And with that he walked away leaving a blood soaked Red and a dying Damon.

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