Sixteen: There's so much blood, oh my god.

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Sally's story with a little twist at the ennnnd be prepared.

Thank you for reading lovelies. <3


Red stayed silent and sat next to Damon, it felt extremely weird to her, sitting on someones grave. There was a dead person underneath her, literally. 

"When I was 4, my real parents died in a car crash. I was so little, I had no clue what was happening. My brother who was 6 at that time was in a complete haze and didn't understand what's happening either but he was always there to protect me. Our grandparents didn't want us, our uncles and aunts didn't want us and so we ended up being sent to a foster home." Damon cleared his throat and Red continued to listen without interrupting.

"At first everything was fine but then the next day, these two people came while I was playing with Conner in a little corner. They started asking me questions, whats my name, how old am I and I refused to answer them. Deep down, I knew they were bad people and that they were going to take me away or Conner. And I was right because the next day, this lady woke me up, got me dressed and I kept chanting Conner's name wondering where he was and why wasn't he getting dressed with me"

"I was sent to the reception and the two people who talked me the day before were there standing scribbling on some paper." He paused "Then the woman said those five words that I will never forget "Ready to go home, buddy?" and I remember crying hysterically screaming my brothers name as they tried to drag me to the car and Conner came and started telling me to calm down that these people were good people, that they were going to protect me, to feed me. He was a smart boy for his age and I guess these people fell in love with Conner and his bravery and decided to adopt him as well. And so we found a home, a loving family, and they already had a little daughter around my age, her name was Sally." He choked and Red teared a little kind of knowing where this conversation is leading to. 

"We grew up and did everything together, I treated her like a little sister even though we were only a few months apart. Conner wasn't as close to her as I was but he loved her nonetheless. We were happy, Red. We were happy and we were perfect. When Sally turned 15, we had a boy at school, Sawyer, he was the bad boy and he laid his eyes on her. Conner allowed her to go out with him a couple of times and I was clueless because I warned her not to, I warned her that he was bad but I never thought he was that bad. He started being all creepy around her, showing up late at night at our house, and texting her all the time. if she talked to a guy he'd go crazy on her and they weren't even official yet. When he asked her to be his girlfriend, she told him to "Fuck Off" and that didn't please that motherfucker" Damon bit his tongue, his fists clenched "He hit her, and forced her to be his, he raped her. Conner did not know about all of this but he should have. He was the one who allowed her to go out with him in the first place." Red placed her hand on his squeezing it tightly. Damon relaxed a bit and sighed "All of this was going on and I had no idea until the leader of HB (hell boys) approached me and told me all of what's happening. He urged me to join their gang to take down Sawyer who was a part of the Ravens. I joined them and met Leo where he helped me form a plan to help my sister escape that heartless bastard"

"But the moment we got to Sawyers house, I saw Conner, his clothes covered in blood, a dead man on the ground, Sally on the other side of the room unconscious and no sign of Sawyer. Conner was in shock, he killed Sawyers friend Alex who-" Damon chocked again "Who shot Sally" Red's lips quivered as she watched him trying to regain his composure, he seemed so weak and vulnerable. "Conner was sent to jail. Our foster parents, once they found out what happened, kicked me and Conner out and they didn't help Conner at all so he had to get a state attorney and he got off as self defence but got a 2 year sentence. During those days, when I was visiting her grave, I saw from afar Sawyer approaching. I hid behind a tree, preparing myself to beat the crap out of him but what shocked me the most was Sawyer started crying saying 'If only that bastard Alex was still alive, I would have killed him, I would have killed him with my own bare hands. I told him not to touch you. I warned him.' He cried. He didn't know. He didn't order his friend to kill Sally. As much as I wanted to hurt him, I had to think about the gang. If Sawyer and I got involved in a fight, a war will break out between the Ravens and Hell Boys. And I didn't do anything. I stayed on the run from social services for two years, growing the gang, becoming their leader and so was Sawyer. And a couple of month before my 18th they caught me somehow and sent me to live with these people here and the rest is history" 

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