Twenty-four: The bad boy never cries, Damon.

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The last chapter.

I think I'm going to cry.

Oh my God.

My beloved Red and Damon. The story of the unrequited love is finally coming to an end.

You guys. The feels.

Please, let me know in the comments about your opinion of the story and how you would have liked the story to end.

Thank you all for keeping up with my messed up update schedule. I know I'm so horrible at timings but hey, I managed to get the story finished! I know it's a little bit short, the story, I mean, but I love it this way. I don't think I needed to prolong anything.

<3 <3 Read on little Red lovers

CHAPTER 24: The bad boy doesn't cry, Damon

"Cupcake! Robert!" Red called out for her two cats who still did not know how to respond to their names. When she noticed they weren't coming anytime soon, she left the kitchen and went to get the two cats to eat their food. When the cats saw their bowls, they ran towards it and started to eat what's inside of it.

Red sighed happily.

A knock on the door startled her but she hurried towards it looking through the peep hole trying to see who it was.

"Who is it?" She asked as she could not identify the person at the door because he had her back to her.

"It's Luke, open up"

Red opened the door and let Luke inside. He smiled at her "Hey, are you dressed up?"

Red shrugged "I guess, why? I didn't know we had plans"

"We have a surprise for you" Luke smiled and Red grinned widely "I love surprises!"

"Well, you're going to love this one for sure" Luke said under his breath as Red put on her shoes "Let's go! Where's everyone else? What kind of surprise it? Is it another cat?" She gushed "Oh my god! I'm so excited now!"

Luke chuckled at his idiot friend and got in the driver's seat of his car.

"So- where are you taking me?" She grinned at her friend so started driving, he first drove by the diner and stopped the car and asked Red not to get down.

Luke just stopped his car there and asked Red to look at the spot they were parked on.

"Do you remember this spot?" Luke asked and Red shook her head "Uhm, Luke, we come here almost every single day of course I remember it"

Luke smiled at Red "No, take a guess about what happened at this spot right here"

Red thought long and hard but could still not understand where Luke was going with this.

"I don't know!" She exclaimed with a frustrated sigh "Just tell me"

Luke rolled his eyes "When you and Damon first met"

"Oh- OH!" Red finally understood what Luke meant and rolled down the window pushing her head out to stare at the spot as she giggled "Oh yeah, and he was being very mean"

Luke knew Red would never know what her friends' plans were because of well, how stupid and gullible she was.

He then drove away and went to the grocery store where Red found Damon behind the cash register and had another argument and that was the day she was almost kidnapped but Damon saved her life from Caleb and Jack.

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