Bringing Down the Castle

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   I looked around while still crouching near the bushes. I could see Messiah about 3 feet away from me and Reed 3 away on my other side. I mind linked Messiah and told her to wait there while I go to her. I mouthed 'Keep watch.' to Reed while I snuck in her direction. Once I got to her I began to think of a plan.
"Look." I whispered.

   "You see that door over there to the far right, just above it there is a vent that I think I am able to squeeze into. I'll sneak up to it and then open the door from the inside and we can go in that way. Once I'm on the other side I'll mind link you and Reed to come to the door."

   She nodded but it looked like there was something else she wanted to say. I could already see in her eyes that she was not 100% okay with the plan.
I began to crouch away before I could get out of reach she pulled me back and kissed me.
"Be safe, please." Was all she said before she sent me back on my way.
I moved over to where Reed was and told him the plan too. I also told him to keep an eye out for Messiah before I left.

   I looked at all the access points of the area. When all of them were clear I quickly snuck over to the door and tried to pry off the cover of the vent. Just as I almost had the cover off the door swung open. I quickly hid behind the door. But the door started closing it's self back automatically. I tried my best to stand perfectly still so they wouldn't have a reason to turn around.
"He thinks he's all this and that, he's lucky to be of Royal blood or he would be dead by now. In fact maybe we can kill him today after his little dinner. Maybe then I'll put some of of that reverse potion in his drink so all those appointments he makes for more power then we can take him out while he is weak." One man with a higher pitch of voice said.
"Calm down Johnathan when the princess claims the crown then we all will be saved from his rule." A deep voiced man says.
"The only reason we are here it to await her return but I am so ready to kill this little bastard Cole." Johnathan says. 
Just then my foot slips. The two men quickly turn around and a look of recognition comes over one of them, he kneels down while the other draws his axe.
"State your name and your reason for spying on a royal guards conversation, you shall be put in the dungeon for you're treachery."
I don't say anything then the man looks at his friend who is still kneeling.
"Cole, what are you doing?" He asks
I then open my mouth.
"My name is Rowan, Rowan Mayfield."


Deep WithinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora