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I started to leave my 6th period french class when the teacher asked me to stay back. I let Reed know it was okay to go without me. He went to meet up with Messiah and go to our last period class.

   I walked up to Ms. Beaulieu backpack in hand. She doesn't say a word only looks into my eyes never breaking eye contact. She walked close up to me too close. As I was about to take a step back I felt the full force of hers lips on mine. Her hands found their way to my neck while I stood there shocked.

  When she finally let me go her eyes weren't their usual gray. Instead they were a kind of aquamarine color that had a glow to it. Which I had to admit on her looked kinda hot. She started to mumble words I couldn't understand until surprising me she grabbed my hand. Out of nowhere she wasn't speaking nonsense anymore I could fully understand what she was saying and seeing what she saw.

  I could see me. It was nighttime the moon was full and something was happening to me. Before I could see what has going on she was yelling "Quest"
"It's too much for her."
"She won't complete it."
"She is stronger than she knows and MUCH stronger than we think."
It was like a conversation except only we were the two people there and she was the only one speaking.

She let me go and her eyes went back to normal. She looked at me and said "Sorry about all that but if you couldn't guess I'm a seer or psychic as most call us, what you just saw was a vision of your future but not to much for that could change the spectrum of the universe. Sorry for the confusion but that conversation you heard were between me and my advisor but since you don't know him yet you only heard my voice." She paused then kept going.

   "If you couldn't catch on though there is a quest you must complete it is the key to the power you hold it is how you will find who you are, your true self."
"Wow." Was all that was able to come out of my mouth.
She led me to the door but just as I was about to leave she whispered softly in my ear
"That was a great kiss though if you ever want another you know where I am."
She winked and closed the door. I officially had no words left.

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