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I continued walking down the hallway and headed to my last class of the day. When I went in I saw Reed and his boyfriend, Derick, cuddled up on the bleachers while Messiah looked at then enviously. I wish I could tell her but I can't I am constantly keeping secrets from her now about what I am so how am I supposed to build a relationship off of that, exactly.

I walked to them and tried not to sit so close to Messiah.
"Derick give me my brother back." "No, he's mine."
Reed looked at me with a face that said what can you say and went back to talking to Derick.
Derick said before him and Reed started to cuddle and lay on each other. They continued to stay like that for the rest of the period.

Messiah and I had our own conversations about going out somewhere later with others of course. We stood up to get our stuff and headed out the gym. I wrapped my arm around her and we walked out the building with the happy couple next to us.

When we got outside I was getting details about our next get together from Messiah. Afterwards we hugged for a long time in comfortable silence when we let go I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she asked if I could bring her another sandwich tomorrow. I said yes of course and hugged her again.

She headed to her car and I watched her walk away. When I looked back to see if Reed was ready to go I found him in the middle of a make out session with Derick. I wish I could say I was surprised I waited for 5 minutes when they got all of their "good-byes" out.

When Reed came to the car I asked if I he was done he nodded and I pulled out of the school parking lot. On the way home I told of the events that occurred once he left the classroom. "She what!"
"She kissed me."
"Why am I just now finding out"
"I tried to tell you but you look so happy when you're with Derick." "That's rape she is like 30 something."
"Look good for her age though."
"Eww don't tell me you are crushing ON HER."
"Eww no, Im not that's just eww you already know who I like why would you even think that?"
"I'm just making sure damn."
"Mhm sure."
"Well how many creatures and stuff are there?"
"I don't know."
"Well did she already give you a hint on where to start?"
"Well looks like we got some work to do."
"That we do my friend, that we do."

I pulled into the driveway of my house and we got out of the car. As we headed into the house I began to tell him about the get together we were going to have with Messiah later on.

We walked through the door and see the house completely destroyed. We continue to walk around and I see my adopters aka my parents with some random man who was holding a gun up too my dad's head. My dad had a look of fear in his eyes but his face and posture stayed strong. I could feel the anger course through my veins.

When mom spotted me she tried to warn me and get me to leave but it was too late the man has spotted us. He stood there looking at me.
"So this is the girl that's supposed to rule our lives. Ha, she's just a kid there is no way she's more powerful than me."

   He broke the gun with his bare hands and threw it to the wall. He walked towards me and began to size me up. He had dark brown hair bronze skin and stood, from what I could guess, about 6"7 feet tall. He swung his arm at me and all I heard was a crunch.

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