The Beginning

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I went to change out of my school clothes so I could meet up with Messiah. After I was done I felt something in my pocket. When I took out the peice of paper it started to speak on its own.

   "Rowan Mayfield your quest has started you are now 18 and will soon understand your place in the realms. Now for your first clue, go where the moon is full and your heart is warm, where the stars shine bright and your belly speaks loud."

  Still confused I went downstairs. After the fairy left everything in the house went to how it was. Reed went home to change his clothes and pick up Derick. I don't where the body went but I'm not sure I wanted to.

   I walked out the house and got into my car. I drove to Messiah's house and knocked on the door. Her mother answered the door and let me in. I asked her how she was doing and she told me about her day. She grew to like me since I have been friends with her daughter since middle school.

   Messiah walked down the steps and I was in awe. I shook it off and acted like I was okay when in reality I was so nervous and freaking out. She came up to me and said her good-byes to her mother.

We got into my BMW i8.
"Who all is going again"
"The usual group and I think Mary also."
"Sounds cool, this is going to be fun."
I handed her the AUX cord as always and she put on everybody got roaches. We bust out laughing and singing along. As the song continued all I could think about was the talking paper and what it told me.

Full moon, warm heart, bright stars, and a loud belly. What could it mean. I pulled up into the parking lot of the mall. I held the door open as we walked inside. Messiah called Reed to ask him where he was. He told you us that he and Derick went to get pretzels. Mary then called and said she couldn't make it.

   When we caught up with them they were in Spencer's, the store right next to the pretzel stand. We went in and looked around at all the cool stuff. We saw all types of cool stuff.

When we walked out everybody had multiple bags. Derick bought a hat, T-shirt, and he bought Reed a plasma ball. Reed got a boss mug, lava lamp, and a couple T-shirts. Messiah got the same mug, 2 oversized hoodies one with weed and the other with pizza. She got a new key chain and a childish flapjack cartoon hat. I walked out with a weed hat, weed socks, weed cup, new key chain, childish hat and a couple T-shirts. 

We had enough time to go to a couple more stores. By the time everyone got done shopping we were all hungry. We looked around for a couple  restaurants until we all heard Messiah scram with joy.

  She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the building I felt my heart start to warm at the sudden contact.
"So I guess we are eating here?" Derick asked
"Yes we have to please?" said Messiah
"Let's go." I said and they all followed me as I entered the restaurant.   

   Messiah had a huge smile upon entering that made my heart warm even more. When we were seated you could see fairy lights hung up all over the ceiling.
"They look like stars." Said Messiah
"They're too bright." Said Derick
We all look at the menus and my stomach started growling.
"That's a loud belly you got there." Said Reed.

  Wait what full moon warm heart bright stars loud belly, oh shit this is what the paper was talking about I got to tell Reed but how? I can't say it now not in front of everyone. I'll tell him when we are about to leave.

My thoughts were broken when the waiter came to our table. I've never seen him around here before.
"Hi I'm Malik. I will be you waiter today. May I start you off with a drink?"

   His eyes immediately found Messiah's. I watched as his eyes scanned her body. I felt anger course through my body. Reed looked at me and his eyes widened. Next thing I know my phone buzzed. I looked down at the message from Reed.
'Your eyes!'

   I went to the camera on my phone and saw that they changed color again. I texted Reed back and got up as quick as possible keeping my head down.
'Order me a root beer brb.'

   I walked to the bathroom and tried to calm myself down keeping my head down every time someone walked in or out.
"Are you okay?"
I heard Messiah say from behind me I closed my eyes as quick as possible.
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Are you sure you left pretty quickly."
"Yeah I'm good."

   She walked towards the door but not before saying,
"Oh yeah by the way that cute new waiter guy Malik gave me his number. He is so cute!"
I looked in the mirror and saw my eyes glowing more than before. My hands started to grow fur and claws started to grow out of my nails. I started to think about nature to calm myself down.

   The moon, the stars, the fresh air, the grass, all of it. I opened my eyes again and all the fur claws and glowing eyes were gone. I was happy that thinking about nature helped I always felt attached to it for some reason. I started to walk back to the table.

   When I sat back down Messiah was talking about Malik. Reed saw the unhappiness on my face and mouthed 'I'm sorry.'
She continued to talk about him and flirt with him until we left the restaurant. I told Reed what happened with my eyes and about the clue. We got into our cars and I dropped Messiah off at her house then headed home to lay down.

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